Thirty six

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" so... this is where you met Genji for the first time?" Angela asked as both Reyes and McCree grabbed their plates of ramen.
She gently picked up her own as well, waiting for Reyes to reply. Ana wasn't with them at the moment. She was some few streets away, spying in on the Shimada castle, witch they now was standing almost right next to. The walls were so high and all they could see was the rooftops...
" it actually was a lucky call.." Reyes replies after some time of silence.
" both me and Ana had been assigned the mission to look up the rumors about Genji to see if he actually was a smart rebel against his father's empire... because if he was.. blackwatch was interested in using him."
" we met him here, and this ramen shop." Reyes told them.
" and Genji was my best costumer" the shop owner spoke, his English being poor, but understandable.
" yeah.., but I noticed his age... witch in my opinion was too young to become an inside spy and put his life on the line.. Ana luckily agreed on this with me, and we both didn't report our discoveries... but I guess the Shimada clan is was actually not happy with him at all... and the next thing we know is that he's inside a burning building, suffering with severe injuries from what has to be sword wounds.."
McCree hated this... he couldn't believe such evil excited in this world... and not only that, but his best friend was the one who had to suffer through that.
" now eat up, Ana is returning really soon, and I bet she has important information, and yes, I bet she is going to confirm that he's alive" Reyes added as he noticed Angela's expression.

" and he sure is"
The answer to that question came way earlier than any of them would have expected. Witch also in this case scared the hell out of McCree, making him spill some of his ramen sauce.
" he's alive!?" Angela bursts out without thinking.
Ana nods. " but, the leaders of his clan has made a decision, and he has received his judgement... they want his blood, once again" Ana tells them.
Reyes angrily slams his fist hard on the table, making more of McCree's ramen spill over.
" of course! No mercy from them!" Reyes angrily mumbles.
" but we have time. This is happening tomorrow night and we still can come up with something to help him" Ana spoke, and took the empty seat next to Angela.
" now! We have to do something now!" She almost yelled. She couldn't bear the thought of Genji being alive behind those walls, totally unsafe and held hostage by the people who wants him dead. No, she had to do something now!
" Angela, if we just burst in there, with no plan, then we're all dead. Both the Shimada's and Talon is there right now... dead.. we're gone be dead..." Ana replies, but she knew this was unbearable for her ...
" but I promise... I will do anything in my power... I myself will get your boyfriend out of there.. I promise."
Even in this horrible situation, a wide red blush crosses her face at the mention of Genji being her boyfriend. They weren't a thing... they never got the chance to... but... she's pretty sure they would be ... if Talon hadn't come and destroyed their peace... if only her uncle hadn't been a part of talon...
she knew she had nothing to do with talon, and the knowledge of him being an agent of them, was something she didn't know about, but she still couldn't shake off the guilty she felt from it... she had brought Genji home.., and her uncle had been the guy who was looking for him... she had brought him straight into the trap .. without knowing it herself....

After the hearing by the elders, Genji was escorted back to his room, where he was to spend his last hours of life, until his execution would take place tomorrow... guards were surrounded by his doors, and the security was as high as it possibly could be. This time, there would be no escape from death... that, the elders we're making sure of.
As soon as he had been left alone, the door to his left bursts open, and five guards walks in, escorting two elderly looking people...
He recognized one of them. He was the one who had demanded his blood... the other elder was probably one of the leaders with him.
" And here we are Genji. Finally I actually get the chance to talk to you properly." The older man spoke, calmly giving the guards the sign to grab hold of him. And so they did.
" w..what's going on..? Isn't tomorrow enough for you..?" Genji somehow managed to get out as a mumble.
" I think we both know that tomorrow is not enough, when I still got some hours left to make your life more miserable." The grin on his face told Genji everything. This man was sick in the head...
" last time, you somehow actually managed to survive, witch is a miracle. Not only that, but your body has recovered from your deadly wounds. I'm pretty sure blackwatch hasn't given up on you. In fact, I actually think they're waiting outside this wall, witch means, tomorrow may not be enough." The man quietly kneels down before him, coldly staring Genji deep into his eyes.
" if they succeed in saving you, then I would like to send them a small message..."
This couldn't be good... not a chance..
The man before him gives another signal to one of the guards with him, and only seconds later, the guard hands the elder a small box. What was inside the box? He had no idea... but he feared the worst.
" pay close attention kid... because this is the thing that is very likely to end you." Not wasting any more time, he calmly opens the small box, and carefully picks up the small syringe inside of it and holds it up before his eyes.
" this, it's going to slowly, but surely kill you. I would say, about 3 days, maybe even less. But the best part is... there is no cure.. no antidote... nothing out there can save you from this poison. So, Genji... your true journey towards death is starting now"

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