Thirty seven

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Tonight... the night was unusually dark...
The guards around the Shimada castle had been doubled and the streets outside were dark as death itself.
Hanzo couldn't help but feel uncomfortable about all of this.. he knew very well that this was a way for the elders of the clan to signify a big happening to come, a death to be made, and that tomorrow, was a big day... a big day for not only the Shimada clan, but the village outside the castle as well.
Genji, the rouge Shimada has been caught and soon, the Shimada clan would be purified.

It was impossible to sleep..
Every time he closed his eyes, Blood, pain and suffering was all he could see..
even the sound of screaming woke him up if he somehow managed to slumber.
No... there was no use in trying... and why..
Why did he have to be the one to kill him..?
Why him!? Genji was his younger brother! His only brother! Why couldn't he just be gone? Living his life with that other man and just be safe!?
Hanzo forced himself out of bed as this was becoming to much for him. Nothing was helping. And sleep was just torture for him now..
even tho the whole castle was guarded, it didn't seem like someone was watching over him. But after all.. he wasn't the one who needed protection...
He silently left his room and walked along the walls that blocked the village's connections with this place... they were left out... and they were locked in.
He remembered his father telling both him and Genji as kids that the outside world was not a place for them. That they were of a higher rank and that we were not to hang around with such low people... which Genji afterwards didn't agree with... he didn't want to be different from them. He wanted to be one of them, he totally ignored the idea of ranks and would rather make everyone an equal..
Back then, Hanzo had been to blind too see it... but now... after everything.. it honestly didn't sound bad to have friends..

" all good young master?" One of the guards asked him as he walked past him. Hanzo realized that he must have looked devastated and calmly grabs hold of himself, putting on a fake smile.
" all good, thank you for asking...." at the end of his sentence, his voice cracked and tears started forming in his eyes. His first reaction would be to hide it and leave, but then, unexpectedly, a warm hand was put on onto his shoulder. Hanzo raised his eyes in surprise and looked up at the guard who earlier had spoken to him.
" i know it must be hard for you sir... I'm sorry you're going through this.." the young guard spoke as he calmly removes his hand.
Hanzo didn't know what to say... who was this guy? He actually felt sorry for him? Even tho he knew their guards were human, it still felt weird to see them actually showing emotion.. and care.. 
They weren't happy about what was going on...
" W.. what should I do...?" It didn't even matter if this guy was just a guard... the feeling of guilt inside of him was impossible to escape, and when everything has been done... then he would never be able to wash off the blood on his hands.
" y.. you're actually asking me this...? Well.. You're the next leader of this empire... you have the right to speak up right...? Or at least... do anything to prevent his death...?" The guard nervously replied. He had never seen this side of Hanzo before... he remembered Genji back in the days being all cheerful and pulled all kinds of pranks on them, but Hanzo had always been the calm type.. always obeying the clan.. but this was a sad Hanzo...
" if I do.., then they will ask for my blood too..." he replied. But he knew the guard was right...

" it's okay kid... it's okay..." without even caring, Hanzo allowed himself to hug the guard. It didn't matter if others saw them... this guy understood him... he didn't like what was happening either..
The guard was shocked by his actions, but calmly pats Hanzo's back as to comfort him.
It didn't last for long as Hanzo calmed down and pulled away.
This did make him feel better, and without saying much more, he starts to think more about the situation he was in. He was the one who had been ordered to kill his own brother... this was the clans way of punishing him for his failure in killing Genji last time... this was all completely mad...

Even though the walls of the Shimada castle was well guarded, Hanzo still knew some few spots that were impossible for the guards to notice. And for the first time In years, he finds the small crack in the wall that he and Genji used to sneak out through to run down to the arcade as kids.
How this small crack brought back so many memories... and honestly, he had forgotten all about it... turns out he and Genji did have some good memories together from their childhood..
Being as quiet as possible, Hanzo pulled himself through the crack and forced his body out to the other side. Just as old days, it was impossible for the people on the streets to see the crack, but from here, he could see everything.
At this time of night, there weren't a single soul to be spotted, therefore, he calmly walked out onto the street without any attention.
The whole street was as quiet as space itself. Not a single soul. Not even the sound of a bird, or a cat digging into the trash.
And now... all he had to do was to find whoever blackwatch had sent.

Angela bursts up from her bed as she yet again wakes up from another nightmare. All night. That's how much she hasn't been able to sleep. Scenes of a dying Genji kept coming to her mind, but this dream.., this last specific dream had been different...
this time, she had seen her parents... both of them together, reaching out to her and calling for her help... but she hadn't been able to do anything... in fact, both her legs had been trapped inside some kind of black liquid, and whatever she had tried to do, she was stuck.
She shook her head.
Just a nightmare... that's all it was. Nothing more.
Clearly, she wasn't going to be able to sleep anywhere, so she threw off the covers of her sheets and walked over to the small living room they all shared. As she walked over to the door, she noticed that Ana's bed was empty. They both shared a room, but she could've sworn she saw her go to bed earlier...
That's what Confused her until she suddenly heard voices from the other room.
Very quietly, she walked up to the door and slowly leaned in to eavesdrop on the conversation. The people out there were almost whispering, and she did recognize both Reyes and Ana... but who was the third voice!?
It obviously wasn't McCree...
curiosity took over and she slowly opens the door to peek in.
But as she did... there was no use in hiding herself. Because She couldn't hold back the gasp of terror as she saw the very man who was the reason to why Genji wasn't with them safely.

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