Twenty seven

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It was cold outside....
but she had told him that everything would be fine...
" Genji... everything will be fine..."

The leaves on the threes were slowly falling down from its branches... but she had told him that this was life...
" not everything if fair... but this is life..."

Frost was creeping up on the edgers of the windows... but she had told him that she would always love him, no matter what...
" no matter what happens... I will always love you."

No matter what happened... she would always watch over him...

He still remember her warm fingers stroking his cheeks for the very last time...
Her warm smile... her tired eyes... the white blanket that covered her body after she had taken her last breath...
Those words had been his mothers last words to him...
" everything will be alright..."
Genji quietly mumbles. The room was as quiet as death itself...
He wasn't sure for how long he had been there, but the sun was slowly lighting up the skies outside.
They had given him the best room they had. Why? Because it's the most secured one...
He could see the whole city from up here... the streets underneath and the traffic.. he could see the outside world... but the world outside couldn't see him up there...
If someone would just walk into this room and see him like this, they would probably just think that he's a visitor at the hotel, like everyone else, but Talon had made sure he wouldn't be able to get out of here. He had to admit, this room had to be one of the most prettiest places he's ever seen... but beauty can't cover up the dark truth about it... this was a prison, and he was the prisoner.
But the worst part was... he was all alone... he had not seen a single soul since last night... and by the look of it... no one was going to pay him a visit either...
And this continued for hours.
Nothing happened... not even food or anything to drink was brought to him... neither did he search for it..
there was probably something in the minibar...but he wasn't going to check it out... neither was he going to move from his spot.
The room was big. It contained everything from a bed to a kitchen, but the luxury didn't make him feel better. Honestly, he would actually prefer a dirt hole over this... why? Because then you know people will look for you in places like that... because why in the world would the police, blackwatch or anyone for that matter look for him at the city's most known Hotel? No one!
Talon would have expected him to at least use the bed in the room, but he didn't even touch it. No... he wasn't even going to get close to it. All he wanted to do was to go home.. to Reyes home... to meet up with Angela and their friends... to each unhealthy food like teenagers does these days... to live a normal life...
The wall he was resting against was all he needed.. he had tried to get some sleep, but that was impossible. How could anyone fall asleep in moments like these...?
He kept dozing off, but he always snapped out if it as scary thoughts came to his mind.
More hours pasted by until something actually happened...
The door to his room quietly opens, and he can hear footsteps enter his room. For some strange reason, he doesn't lift his head to look over at whoever this has payed him a visit. Did it even matter....?
The steps came closer.... he could feel his heartbeat raise..
" well, well, well, I must say, it is an honor to finally meet a Shimada in person" Genji slowly lifts his head to look up at the man standing above him. By the look of it, he was the crime-boss.. was he the guy called Antonio?
" how you like your new room? Stunning, isn't it?" The tall fat man quietly walks over to the bar close to the kitchen, pulling out two glasses and a bottle of something he had no idea to what it was... but very likely alcohol...
" join me kid." The guards in the room looked down at him. If he didn't do as he was told, then they would force him to join him.
Without another word, Genji forded himself up from the ground and nervously walks over to the bar. When he gets there, he as calmly as possible takes a seat at one of the bar chairs.
" well, I know you're a disgraced Shimada, but that doesn't change who you truly are. I never thought I would be working with them, but all thanks to you, we have agreed on staying in touch after this" Antonio fills both of the glasses with the liquid from the bottle and hands one of them to Genji.
Genji didn't except it.
" I don't drink.." he coldly replies.
" no one cares if you're under age here kid, everything about this place is a crime anyway" once more he tries to offer Genji the drink, but Genji didn't want it.
" have it your way then." Antonio replies and drinks up both glasses of whatever it was, and then gets more serious.
" let's get more serious shall we..?"
Genji didn't reply to this. Whatever was coming, it wouldn't be good either way... but Angela was safe now... therefore, whatever they had to throw at him, only he would get hurt and no one else.
" alright then... let's talk about Blackwatch." Antonio lovers his head and Genji could swear he saw red sparks in his eyes. The whole atmosphere in the room turns more serious and he could feel his heart starting to beat faster.
" we know blackwatch are the ones responsible for your survival... and we know they have kept you hidden. We also noticed this guy."
Antonio calmly pulls up a photo and quietly puts it down onto the table in front of them.
Genji's eyes widen at the sight of Reyes at the small photo.
" w...what the!?" He staggers before Antonio continues.
" we caught this photo of him at the airport with you. Of course we didn't know back then that you two were the ones we were looking for, but this man" Antonio points at Reyes.
" this man, who is he?"
Genji didn't reply.
" ANSWER ME!" Antonio suddenly burst out in anger and slammed his fist hard onto the table.
This caught Genji off guard, and he fell off his chair in fear of being punched.
He wanted to reply, but his mouth was as dry as the desert, and the fact that he was scared as hell didn't help.
" you are only making this harder for yourself kid." Antonio speaks as he puts away both glasses and walks out of the minibar and towards him.
Genji pushes himself away from him as he got closer.
" we don't want to hurt you, you know. But for us to not do that, we need you to cooperate... your father has requested you to be delivered back as healthy as possible after all."
Genji didn't reply. His father.... so he was going to be handed over then... he was going to be delivered back to Japan...?
" but before we let you go home, we need answers. Who is this man? We know he's a blackwatch agent, but we need a name kid! Why did blackwatch save you and how?!"
Antonio got closer. Genji reaches the limit of his escape and hits the wall behind him, preventing him from getting any further..
" tell us"
Just as he had reached him, the door to their room goes up and two new figures enters the room.
" Antonio, they're here. The meeting is about to start. Let's take care of the boy later." Genji recognized one of them...
Akande was standing next to his father, avoiding Genji's gaze as he looked over at them. Why he was feeling guilty seeing Genji like this, he didn't know, but it didn't feel right.
It was true that he never really liked him, and yes, he had been very jealous of his friendship with Angela, but all this... this was a different kind of thing... was he really doing the right thing...?
He had never seen his father so proud of him before... this had to be a good thing right...?

" they're here you say..? I guess we will have to talk about this later then kid." Antonio slowly backs away, leaving Genji alone for the moment.
" but I'm not done with you. Whoever this guy is, he's been a pain in my ass for years, he won't get away this time" he angrily leaves the room, leaving a very confused but scared Genji behind.
Reyes has been badgering this guy...? Wait so Reyes has a record with these people!? Was he one of their enemies? Yes he knew that backwatch probably wasn't that popular among crime gangs but Reyes alone was targeted like this....?
For the first time in days, he feels a small spark of hope light up in his chest at the thought of it.
But that small spark would soon fade away....

Angela's p.o.w
After spending about 20 minutes inside Genji's father's apartment, Reyes had forced all three of them to get into his car. He had forced Jesse to call his parents and tell them to meet outside the police station. Both me and Sombra, who doesn't have a guardian or parents who takes care of us, had to go with him.
I don't know how long the car ride had lasted... but I couldn't hold back my tears...
This couldn't be happening... right? This all had to be a big nightmare... a terrible one... because soon her alarm would go off and she had to get up to go to school....
No.... even tho I really hoped this all was just a dream... I knew deep down that this was all reality...
" alright Jesse... I'm bringing you along to the headquarters since your parents doesn't answer your calls... but all three of you, you are not allowed to tell anyone about this base ever, alright?" Genji's father or guardian spoke.
I listened closely to his words. All she had now was him...
Her uncle had betrayed her.., and the boy I truly cared for is gone...
" A...alright..." I hear Jesse reply. He was also scared... Sombra was quietly resting her head onto his shoulder, half asleep... or... was she half asleep? She was acting all weird...
" Sombra?" I slowly bent over her to get eye contact, but she kept staring blankly forwards... she was still breathing.., and from a distance, she only looked tired... but I could clearly see that something wasn't right.
" G...Gabriel... I ... I think Sombra isn't alright.." I said as he stopped the car.
" what...?" He turns around to look at them in the backseat. His face expression changes as he sees her. Without another second to waste, he rips the door to his car open and grabs his phone.
" emergency! I have a kid here who sees to be drugged or something" he spoke into something that seems to be a phone. I quickly jump out of the car and helps Jesse with Sombra as he's the one holding her...
I don't know where we are, but it seems to be some sort of a hidden parking lot and as soon as Gabriel had spoken into the phone, lots of strange dressed people came out from all around.
I looked over at Reyes as he looked back at me... his eyes told me everything... he was heartbroken...
" well... welcome to Blackwatch headquarters... you will be staying here with me until further notice..."

Hours passed...

They were going to return... he just knew it...

But Reyes could save him... right...?

There had to be a way... a way out of this mess...
He could hear the footsteps in the hallway now...

Closer and closer they came...

The steps came as close as they possibly could, and they didn't stop before they had reached him.

But the steps were a bit different now...

Whoever this person was, he wasn't scared of him...
He didn't look up to face whoever this guy was... he just knew that this wasn't Antonio...

The figure standing above him slowly kneels down in front of him and Genji knows that he can't hide himself away from them anymore... it was time to face it...

He felt someone gently touch his face as it carefully lifts his head to face him.

Terror struck him. If he had been scared when they had captured him, then he had no words to describe his fear now that he was facing his very worst nightmare.

" I thought that fire killed you... and if that hadn't been enough... then at least my arrows would have done the job... but here you are... little brother... alive and well"

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