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That night, McCree had a hard time sleeping. Everything Genji told him was kept him awake. Genji also had a hard time sleeping, but he somehow felt better about everything after talking with McCree. He knew Reyes had warmed him about telling people about what had happened. And McCree of all people,  happened to be the one he told.
Every now and then McCree turned to look over at Genji, who wasn't laying far away from him. He just had to be sure he was alright... he never imagined that a kid their age would be in such danger...
according to Genji, the Shimada clan was a powerful clan from Japan. He had heard rumors about them and it happened now and then that their crimes where mentioned on the news, but he had never thought that a green haired kid in his class would turn out to be the son of the Shimada crime boss himself. But this didn't change who genji was. Genji was a good guy, and a good friend. He somehow felt honored to be trusted to hold onto this dangerous information.
He kept glancing over at the windows in their room, expecting someone to break through then, but eventually, nothing happened and soon enough he couldn't escape the sleepiness taking over him.

The very next day, the boys woke up to a surprise as the girls surprised them with a pillow smashed into their faces as they yelled
" pancakes downstairs, wake up!" Before they ran out of the room, leaving the boys confused behind.
" agh... why do girls have to wake up this early..." Baptist mumbles as he throws away the pillow that was used to wake him.
" that pillow belongs to Lena you know. Better take good care of it or you will suffer" Lucio replies and trows his dva pillow at him.
As the two of them began a pillow fight of their own, McCree couldn't help but look over at Genji.
" ya alright...?" McCree carefully asks.
" I'm alright.. don't worry. Just... don't tell anyone.." Genji replies,
" of course, I won't tell a soul, you can trust me" McCree smiles and stands up from his bed, reaching out a hand for Genji to help him up. Genji takes it and McCree pulls him up. After packing their things, they join the others for breakfast down stairs.
" finally you care to join us!" Hanna complains and pulls out a chair for McCree to sit down next to her. Genji spotted an empty seat next to Angela and decides to take it.
" morning Genji. Did you sleep well?" Angela speaks as Genji sits down. There was no way Genji was going to tell them the truth, especially not in from of everyone, so he lied.
" yeah, slept like a puppy. How about you?"
Angela giggles and replies.
" I slept like a dead girl" she chuckles and Genji couldn't help but laugh. It was obvious that she was referring to last night when he had failed to save her during the nerf war with Hanna and the others.
" I'm sorry I couldn't save you alright?" Genji laughs and reaches out to grab a pancake.
" well, as my mom used to say, Heroes never die."
Genji liked that reference. It was optimistic... it reminded him that there was still good in the world.. good people fight evil.. people like Reyes.
" I really wish you guys could stay longer..." Hanna mumbles with a sad expression. Most of them were leaving early due to different family activities they had to attend. This also including Genji. Reyes had told him that he would pick him up early, witch meant he would be there soon.
" well I guess I and Angela will have another fun party by ourselves" Hanna grins and for some strange reason, this catches Genji's attention. Why was Angela going to stay longer...? As far as he knew, she and Hanna were friends... but not that close... wasn't Angela going to spend time with her family? Like everyone else? It was Sunday after all..
" we're going to have another war between just the two of us, and I'm going to take you down Hanna" Angela grins widely and laughs.
" you wish!" Hanna replies and stirs her tongue out.
The others laugh at this. Not long after, the bell rang and the first one to get picked up by her parents was Mei. After helping Hanna with cleaning up the table, she greeted everyone goodbye and left them. Only minutes after, more parents came to pick them up. For some strange reason, Reyes was late, and Genji almost spent half an hour waiting for him. But this was honestly not a problem at all. He actually got to spend some more time with Angela! And Hanna as well of course.
" is your dad going to pick you up..?" Angela asks as Genji gathered all his bags by the entrance door.
" I saw him when you arrived her, and I couldn't help but get a little curious. I hope it's alright if I ask, but are you adopted Genji..? Or is he your mothers boyfriend or something?... so sorry if this is coming out weird!" She shyly covered her mouth and Genji couldn't help but chuckle. She was way to adorable.
" I'm adopted. My parents... died. When is was little." Genji lies. He couldn't tell her the truth. She would probably get scared and stay away from him if she knew... Genji Shimada.. the son of the biggest mafia in the world...
" your parents are dead...?" The words stung as she spoke then. The pain in her voice was unbelievable and Genji was confused at this sudden change.
" what's wrong...?" Genji asks her and putts down the bag he was holding onto.
" sorry.., I just... I never thought this of you... I.., I lost my parents when I was a kid too.." Genji felt even worse for lying now... especially to her who actually had lost her loved ones...
" oh.. I'm so sorry..." her eyes moved away from him and he could see the hurt in her eyes... bad memories.. without saying a word, he gently warped his arms around her and pulled her into his embrace, hugging her...
Shyly, she allows it and lowers her head onto his shoulder. She couldn't hold back the tears...
" I... I'm fine.. don't worry. I just really miss them.. I just never thought I would meet anyone who's like me, an orphan."
This broke his heart. He wanted to tell her everything... about himself and his past... but he couldn't... he shouldn't..
" I live with my uncle though. So I'm not all alone." She now lifts her head and Genji carefully lets go of her.
" well that's lucky. I'm sorry about your parents... and if you need anyone to talk with... I'm always here, or you can just text me, you have my number after all" he gives her a warm smile and she kindly returns it. Genji was about to ask her something when the doorbell goes off.
" I guess that's my dad." Genji speaks as he opens the door to see Reyes standing there.
" bye then... it was fun spending time with you." She shyly waves at him and Genji waves back.
Reyes helps Genji load all the bags into the car.
After giving both Hanna and Angela a goodbye hug, Genji jumps in into the seat next to Reyes and they leaves the place together.
The first 5 minutes of the drive was quite quiet as both of them didn't say a word. Genji simply was to tired to think of anything since he had almost got no sleep that night. Reyes had noticed this, but still wanted to know about the sleepover.
" she's cute, don't you think?" He grins as Genji turns red next to him. He had noticed the blonde girl Genji had been speaking to. Being around her obviously made Genji feel happy, because he had never seen him smile around other people like he had witnessed today.
" she's kind.." he replies embarrassed. Of course Reyes saw them...
" soooo... she's your girlfriend or something?" A smug grin crosses Reyes face. What he did not  expect was a punch to his side from Genji.
" hey! That kinda hurts! And I'm supposed to dive!"
" we're not dating! She's just my friend." Genji replies and knows Reyes isn't truly that hurt, he didn't really punch him that hard.
" yeah alright, but there's no need to hurt me, but you do like her" Reyes truly enjoyed this. For once, Genji was actually starting to adapt to this place and has made some friends, and found a girl that he likes, even tho he's refusing it.
But then things got more serious. While Genji has been at the sleepover, he had received bad news from the Blackwatch headquarters...
" Genji... there's something I need to tell you.."
Genji noticed the mood in the char suddenly change.
" what is it...? Is something wrong...?" His hands began to shake as he knew what was coming... this had to be about his family... about his father or Hanzo, or anything with the clan for that matter...
" Genji, I need you to stay calm when i tell you this... don't get scared alright?" Reyes begins.
" what's going on? Just tell me!" His voice was trembling. It was obvious that this was scary, but he had to know... was his life in danger again?
" it may be nothing... but blackwatch has spotted some Shimada clan members entering America through the airports. They don't think they're after you though... but I thought you deserved to know..." Reyes told him. It was probably nothing, but he couldn't bring himself to shake of this strange feeling that something wasn't right.
" so... is something going to happen to me..? Am I starting at the blackwatch headquarters again...?" Reyes slightly shakes his head.
" no Genji... not for now. They're to far away and it doesn't seem like they know you're here. They suspect that your father has sent them to meet up with some people to discuss business. Maybe a new partner for what we know..." Reyes tells him. He wasn't sure if it was wise to tell him all this.
Genji quietly nods. Is Reyes though he was still safe, then he was probably right. But he couldn't help but think if he could be wrong...

It didn't take long until they reached their house. Reyes helped Genji carry his stuff into the house, and Genji went upstairs right away to his room as he was exhausted from everything.
" you want anything?" Reyes called up to him.
" I'm good, I'm just a bit tired.. you know, staying up late" he replies and Reyes chuckles. Typical teenager sleepovers.
He then allowed the kid to get some rest and heading into his office... because right now... he had to make some calls..

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