Thirty four

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the smell of blood mixed in with blood surrounded the whole room.
What was this...? Was the house burning? Was she in danger? But why did she feel so calm...?
Angela slowly tilted her head and looked down to her feet.
Lots of fire! But it wasn't harming her at all... why? Neither did she panic at the sight of it.
But what about the smell of blood...?
She couldn't see any...
She then tried to lift her foot to start walking, but her foot stumbled upon something.
Or maybe she should say someone...?
A yell escaped her as she saw the familiar face of Genji, almost not recognizable from all the blood around him.
" GENJI!" She yelled out, but just as the words got out, a thick black smoke surrounded them.
She reached out for him, but something pushed her aside!
She stumbled and fell.
" Genji!"  She called out once more, but the smoke was choking her now.
Whatever had pushed her stoped up and slowly turned to look at her. As the person turned, chills ran through her.
The figure had no face...
what was this!? Who was this!?

The whole plane shook as a turbulence had hit it. Angela's eyes bursts open and she quietly sits up to look around.
All the smoke was gone. And by her side say a sleeping McCree.
" anything wrong dear?" Ana spoke as she had noticed the sudden movement from Angela.
" All good miss Amari.." Angela quickly replies and looks out through the windows. Nothing had been real. The smoke wasn't real and so wasn't the faceless guy... and so wasn't the bloody Genji.. right?
" I don't blame you for being nervous girl.. this mission is dangerous after all" Ana calmly replies and looks at her.
" I just... I just hope we're not too late.. that's all" Angela admitted.
" I see... and I understand... you know. This isn't the first time Genji has survived such a dangerous and terrible happening." Ana tells her. This sure caught Angela's attention.
" what do you mean...?" She replies.
" you don't know...? Oh well it was supposed to stay as a blackwatch secret, but I guess it doesn't harm to tell you." Ana mumbles as she calmly sits up in her seat.
" well about a year ago, both me and Gabriel had been assigned the mission to spy and study the methods of the Shimada clan. It was an important and necessary mission... until Gabriel noticed something unusually strange."
Angela knew by now that Genji was the son of the leader himself from the Shimada clan, but she had never heard this story before.
" Genji. He noticed Genji. We didn't know who he was at first. We met him at a small ramen restaurant, where according to the owner, he was a common costumer."
" we quickly found out who he was... but what we hadn't expected to see was his actions. Genji sneaked out from the Shimada castle, he broke rules, he was treating people as equal, witch the clan, didn't like. This Gabriel noticed."
Ana paused for a moment until she continued.
" but before we got to do anything. The Shimada clan turned against him and accused him of being a traitor... the elders of the clan were furious and demanded his blood. And blood they got... if Reyes hadn't noticed the smokes from our hideout ... he would have died that night.."
Angela was shocked. Was this all really true!?
" w..wait so he was saved by you guys?" She half way mumbled as she looked over at Ana.
In return she nodded.
" we couldn't let an innocent boy be murdered by his clan, just because he was different.. didn't matter if he was a Shimada. Genji doesn't deserve to experience this.. no child does."
" no... of course not.." she knew this was true, and Angela couldn't agree less.

Hours later, their plane landed at the airport of the small base Blackwatch had in Japan. Both Angela and McCree were curiously following Reyes inside as they both had lots of questions for him. Especially Angela. None of them had been outside US before so this was somehow an exciting moment for them. The nature, the buildings, everything was different. The culture of this place was so different, yet so beautiful...
Even tho Angela had seen cherry bloom threes in movies and comics, they looked even more beautiful when you actually got to see them in person.
" so... this is where Genji grew up... I bet Korea isn't that different either since Hana is from there." McCree spoke, standing next to her.
" I don't think Hana grew up there... I think her parents moved away before she was born" Angela replied. She couldn't resist the urge to walk over to one of those pink covered threes and touch them.
" how is this so beautiful... while the Shimada clan has done so much evil in this area...?" Angela mumbled as she slowly backed away now.
" I know they have done lots of bad stuff... but at least not all of their outcome is bad." McCree replies and calmly puts his hand on her shoulder.
" what you mean...? Everything they have done is evil?!"
" well Genji isn't. And if they hadn't decided to get rid of him, then blackwatch would never be involved, and We would never be able to meet Genji."
The truth behind it made her silent. What McCree had said was very true... but it didn't change the fact that she hated the Shimada's for what they had done to both him and her... even what they had done to Sombra through Talon wasn't forgivable.... but that didn't matter now... all she wanted now was for Genji to be safe, to come back home with them..

Hanzo silently kneeled before the elders as the time had come. He couldn't help but feel nervous for what was about to happen...
he knew he had been the one who had almost killed him last time... but he was pretty sure the elders would want him to finish off the job.. to clean up after his last failure...
Because today... today was the day of judgment.

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