Twenty eigth

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The car stopped in from of his house.
Angela quietly looks out through the window of Reyes car and over at this now empty house. The front door was still open since the night he had brought them with him to the blackwatch headquarters.
" alright... we're just gone grab some few remaining things and we're out of here... alright..?"
Reyes slowly turns to look over at Angela who until now had remained silent. She quietly nods in reply and quietly gets out of the car.
She and Reyes had been staying at the blackwatch headquarters these last four days. Sombra was also there, but her condition wasn't fully recovered from whatever drug Talon had used on her... McCree had been sent home with his parents. Since both she and Sombra were orphans, Blackwatch was the only place for them to stay at for the moment being.
" what should I get...?" Angela quietly asks as they both enter the house together.
" I will grab some of Genji's stuff from his room... I left a box of important files in the basement, if you just head down and grab them for me, it would save me some time.." Reyes told her and Angela nods In return. She could do that... she kinda wanted to join him upstairs in Genji's room, but she knew she wouldn't be able to hold the tears back... not only that.., but Reyes probably needed some time alone In there as well...
The door to the basement was open. She turns on the light at the beginning of the staircase and then slowly finds her way down.
There were lots of old stuff down there, and probably 20 years of dust. The box with files were laying on top of a dusty shelf. It wasn't that easy finding her way towards it, but she managed it in the end.
" this one I guess..." she mumbled as she reached for them.
" to high..." she wasn't able to reach for them. Instead she turns to look for anything that could help her reach it when her eyes lands on a different box.
" that one may work.." she walked over and gently grabs hold of it when she suddenly stumbles upon something unexpected and clumsily falls into a tower of empty boxes. They all fall down and creates a cloud of dust.
Annoyed she pushes them away from her and got up to her feet.
" what was that...?" She mumbles to herself as she pushes away some more boxes to look for whatever it was that had made her stumble. It didn't take long until she found the cause of this all. Once again, she bends down and picks up a weird looking object, wrapped in brown paper. Of course curiosity took over and she carefully unwraps the package, revealing a large katana.
" woa.... is this... real?!" She let go of the wrapping paper and studies the blade that was now resting in her hands.
" it's so well made!" The details on the handle reminded her of a dragon and the whole blade was beautifully made... she knew very well who this had to belong to... the Japanese letters onto the blade didn't escape her eyes. But for some reason, she didn't want to put it away. She wanted to keep it, to at least have something to remind her of him... she couldn't go home to get some of his drawings, because her uncle was now a fully declared Talonagent and if she got in his way, Talon would kill her..
She carefully wrapped the sword into its paper again and she carried it with her upstairs after getting the box Reyes had told her to get.
But for some reason she hid it. Why? She wasn't sure, but she really didn't want Reyes to take it away from here, therefore she chose to keep it hidden as her little secret.
" you found them..." Reyes spoke as they met in the hallway towards the exit.
" yeah... is this all..?" Angela replies, and Reyes nods.
" yeah, just get it in the car and I will be there in a minute." He tells her.
Angela did as she was told and walked over to the car, placing the box of files in the back of the car. Just as he had told her, a minute later he showed up with two more boxes and placed them in the back of the car, close to the one she had placed not long ago.
" alright then... back to the base..." Reyes mumbles as he sits back into the car and starts it up. He then turns to look at Angela.
" you alright....? I know this must have been hard for you... I thought it would be better for you to come out with me for an hour instead of siting at the headquarters, waiting for news about Genji..." Reyes tells her.
" I'm really great full for being allowed to come with you.... and yes... I was starting to feel sick when I didn't get any news about what is going on...." she replies and looks down into her hands.
" have they... found anything that may lead us to him?? A clue or something..?" She knew that they hadn't been able to find anything, but she knew she had to hope for the best...
" nothing...." he replies, slowly looking away
Disappointed, Angela looked out through the window and Reyes started up the car, now driving out of his driveway.
It took about half an hour til they reached the base, and as soon as they got there, McCree's stood there waiting for them.
Angela thought he was supposed to be home with his parents, so this kinda surprised her.
" Jesse! What are you doing here!?" Angela spoke as she got out of the car. Reyes didn't say much when he noticed McCree, and slowly started unpacking the boxes he had brought.
" I'm checking up on Sombra... she's still in the hospital..." Mccre mumbles as he walks towards Angela.
" is she getting better....?" Angela replies.
" yeah, she is, but the drug was dangerous, so they have to make sure it's all out of her system" he tells her and gently grabs hold of the box Angela was carrying.
" let me help you with this" he tells her.
Angela allows him this and then turns around towards the car.
" you know... I have something to show you" Angela whispers as she watches Reyes leave the underground parking lot.
" you do? " a spark of hope lights up in his eyes.
" it's nothing helpful... but it belonged to him.." Angela hurried over to the car and pulls out the warped sword from Reyes car and runs back to McCree with it.
" i found this..." she tells him and gently removes the grayish paper.
" Woa!? That's an actual Katana!?" Jesse replies, studying the blade in front of him.
" a katana?" Angela replies confused.
" yeah, a Japanese battle sword of some kind," he replies.
" oh.., I have no knowledge of such things.." Angela replies and looks down at the katana in her hands.
" I wouldn't blame you" McCree replies and gently takes the weapon in his hands.
" I wasn't only here to visit Sombra tho..." McCree suddenly spoke.
" what...? Then why are you here..?" Angela looks up at him confused.
" i... I know I'm not really old enough but... I went to the blackwatch headquarters and asked to be recruited... I asked to become a part of their agency... I want to help them find Genji.."
Angela was speechless.
He had gone to the headquarters to get recruited... so he could join them on missions... why hadn't she thought of that!? She wanted to help them find Genji as well! She had to!
" did they accept you?"
McCree slowly looks away from her as she asked that very question.
" yeah... yeah they did." He replies and that was all she needed. She then takes the katana back into her hands and heads towards the entrance of the base, knowing where to find the leader of the place. Because she wasn't going to sit and wait for them to find him. No, she was going to join them! She was going to bring him back home!
" Angela no!" McCree knew what was on her mind, and he didn't like it.


The night skies were cloudy... no stars were to be seen... the only thing he could see on the outside were the city underneath him...
His stomach kept complaining for food... but it didn't get any... neither had they offered him anything... all he could get was water... but he didn't move from his spot.
The whole room was dark... only the light from the outside world lit it up...
he wasn't sure for how long he had been trapped in that room... but it didn't matter...
he was probably going to leave it soon anyway...
He hadn't seen Hanzo or anyone this entire day... witch only meant one thing... they were preparing something...
He sat by the windows... looking down at the country he now was considering his real home... because soon... he might never be able to look down upon it, ever again...

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