Thirty three

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His whole body was shaking...
There was no light, no sound and no comfort..
The moment he got into a car, a black blindfold were forced upon him and after that, he had no control of his own surroundings. Nor did he know what the time was anymore...
No one had talked to him...
The car ride had lasted for quite some time, but then they had arrived at whatever location he was supposed to be taken to. But Genji was pretty sure he knew where... because where else would the elders of the Shimada castle be?

Deep breath's. That's all he could do..  his whole body was screaming for help, for someone... but his mouth stayed silent. His hands were tied behind his back and the blindfold was still covering his eyes.
Something inside of him told him to get up and fifth this situation, but everything was hopeless...
His last chance had passed by... in the end, he had put his life in the hands of Akande, but sadly... he had chosen his side. He didn't blame him... but in the end, he was the one who gave him up to Talon..
" as long as she's safe.." Genji whispers to himself as he fights to hold back the tears. As long as she was safe...
He had no information about the others. Had Angela actually managed to get away? Had Talon kept their word about releasing her...? They hadn't used her as a treat earlier... so he assumed she was safe...
But then again, the Shimada may be cruel people, but they were honest people.
He never got the chance to tell her how amazing she truly was... how she had been the light in his life... how much she meant to him..
never would he ever be able to hold her in his arms and promise her that he would never let anyone hurt her ever again... he would never get the chance to tell her that he loved her...

Quietly, he touched the ground underneath him, just feeling the need to imagine what was around him. The texture of the floor was half way rough... perhaps..? Wood?
Yes... it had to be wood. What else?
He took a deep breath.
He was going insane. Was this how it felt like to realize that death was upon him...? He was sitting there thinking about wood, that wasn't normal! How could it be!?
He struggled to get up to his feet, but eventually got up. He had to get his blindfold off, he couldn't handle this anymore. The need to see his surroundings was an absolute now.
He used his shoulder to roughly push the blindfold off his eyes and luckily got them off.
As expected, the room was very dark.
But having a blindfold covering his eyes for hours had made him get used to the dark by now and he could easily spot the materials in the room.
He was standing in the middle of a room. There wasn't much in it. A bed, some shelf's and a window. Dark curtains was covering the window, but he didn't need to move them to know that it was dark outside....
neither did he have to take a closer look at the room to know exactly where he was...
Yes... he was back home at the Shimada castle.. where he had grown up, where he had learned to fight, where his mother had died...

Hanzo took a deep breath before he quietly opened the door to his father's current location. The elders court.
" Father..." Hanzo calmly called out as he entered the room. By the look of it, it seemed like the court and his father was in the middle of a case, but that was none of his business...
" Father, Talon has arrived... he's... he's home."
The mention of he, awakened lots of attention not just in his father, but all throughout the elders as well.
His father calmly turns towards his oldest son, calmly nodding at him.
" welcome Antonio in here then. I will look up on our guest later... thank you Hanzo" an era of respect could be felt in the room, but Hanzo couldn't accept this... he knew what was going on was a crime... but he was a part of that crime, and not only that, but he was the future leader of this clan.
He slowly stepped back and gave Antonio the sign to step forward. Behind him, Akande shyly peeked, looking in on what was happening. But then he saw Antonio signing him to follow him, witch to him was a surprise, but he did as he was told.
" Antonio, leader of Talon if I'm not wrong?" Sojiro, spoke as he reached out his hand to greet his guests.
" I am" Antonio proudly spoke as he took his hand and gently shook it.
" it's an honor meeting you" Sojiro spoke as he slowly turns towards the elders. " this is the man who has returned my son Genji home. A mission I myself thought wouldn't be possible to accomplish since he was in the care of Blackwatch."
Antonio chuckled. " believe me, it wasn't easy to find this kid, but thanks to your information and my people, we found him. If you guys hadn't reached out to us , we wouldn't have known and we wouldn't have been here now. So I'm the one who should be honored to be here." He spoke and then slowly turns towards Akande.
" actually, this is the boy who found him in the first place. He's the soon of my best agent, and has proven to be a loyal member."
Akande didn't know how to react to this... they made it look like a really big deal, even tho the choices he had made was kinda easy...
" well kid, you have accomplished something no one had expected you to, and here you are, in front of the court to the most well known Ana dangerous clan in the whole world.
Akande opened his mouth to say something, but this was overwhelming, and he didn't know what to say...
One of the elders quietly stood up from his seat and spoke up: " it's good to see loyalty among the young again. Unlike our Genji, you have chosen the right side child. A side that will make you powerful."
Akande didn't know what to say. Did that old man really mean it? Was he a good person after everything? No... how could he be?
" he truly has impressed me, and his father has been a loyal man as well, therefore, I've decided to make him the next leader of Talon when my time is over."
This wasn't what he had expected to hear. What the hell had just happened!? Had he heard him right!?
" a good choice it is" Sojiro spoke and put a hand on Akandes shoulder. Akande couldn't believe it. Did he really want this? Was this his true future? Just being here was scary...
But his father would be so proud...
And making him proud was one of his biggest goals in his life, and for once, he actually was succeeding.
But what... was going to happen to... Genji..?

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