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" come on mate! Let me choose a song this time! Your songs sucks trash" Jameson grabbed the remote from Amalie and started scrolling through the selection of songs. He didn't care if this annoyed her, he hated classical music. That's the real type of trash if you asked him.
" you're such a rat." Amalie tells him as she wasn't happy about his actions. What's so wrong with this type of music? It was more pleasant than his hard rock stuff.
" just don't. Please. No more fighting" moira mumbles as she sits at Amalies side, working on her silence homework. She loved the subject, wanting to become a scientist herself when she got older, but unlike many others.. she was willing to go further with her theories than any other scientist would, witch made her different from them. More dangerous.
" yeah shut up, I didn't invite you guys over just so you could fight" Akande enters the room, bringing along some drinks for the others to enjoy.
" you sure your father would allow us to drink something like this?" Jamison chuckles as he chooses a song and walks over to his friend to grab a drink.
"my father couldn't care less " he replies. And it was the truth. He and his father didn't exactly have a close father and son relationship. In fact, it was more like he was just hanging around a man he almost didn't know, almost like a stranger... a lot changed between them after his mother died some few years ago. She had been the one who had made things work between them... but now..?
" really? He won't tell my mom?" Sombra puts away her phone and runs over to grab one herself.
" he wouldn't even tell her if you died here tonight" Akande rolls with his eyes as it was a stupid question.
" fair enough" she grins.
He brought the rest of the rinks over to the others and took a seat next to Mako, who they usually just call Roadhog as it fitted him way better.
" so why are we here exactly? You don't usually like to invite us over" Moira speaks as she shuts her book and puts away the rest of her homework as she had finished it up for now.
" well you guys wanted to come over, I didn't invite you, you guys kinda invited yourselves" he replies.
" yeah yeah, we kinda did, but you still have some explaining to do" Sombra tells him, and he sure did. They had all noticed how their leader had grown such a strange anger towards the new kid Genji. Sombra of course had her suspicions, but she wanted to hear it coming from him. She wanted Akande to admit it himself, because she knew he had a major crush on this Angela girl, just like almost every other guy at this school.
"I have nothing to tell you guys" Akande angrily replies.
" um yes you do. Because I've never seen you rage this much over a random kid at our school." Jamison replies. He had been there himself. Yes the new kid had taken their seat by accident and all, but he knew this wasn't really about the boy taking their seat... this was about Angela defending the boy and becoming a close friend of his. Yes, he knew they were close, and so did Akande.
" he's annoying! That's all" Akande tells them.
" nah bro, just admit it already!"
" yeah, it's kinda obvious that you have a thing for that blonde know it all" Amalie rolls with her eyes. She couldn't care less, but she hated people who were lying to others and themselves.
" wa... that's not true." Akande replies. He refused to admit it. He refused to admit that he was in love with a kind girl, a girl who didn't look at him the same way he did to her...
" it's nothing to be ashamed of. I mean, come on, she is pretty. Who wouldn't want her?" Jamison shoots in and grins.
There was no use it fighting back. They all knew and he knew it as well.
" alright fine..." he finally gives in.
" see? That wasn't so hard" Sombra chuckles and pats him onto his shoulder.
" well you're nothing better! We all know McCree has a thing for you, but the strange thing is, you actually allow him to stick around" Akande shoots back at her and she removes her hand away from him angrily.
" pff! No I don't! You guys allows him to sick around! I just ignore him!" She replies.
" yeah sure! You're always being a dick towards all of us, but you're not to him" Moira laughs. It was true tho. Even tho she tries to ignore him for the most of her time, she is treating him differently from her own friends.
" get lost" she replies and pulls up her phone to get out of this annoying situation by ignoring their stupidity.
" whatever" Amalie replies.
" so ... what you gone do to that kid?" Jamison carefully asks. He wasn't exactly afraid to do anything, but he didn't really want to do something that could turn into something bigger than it had to be.
" oh I'm just going to teach him a lesson about staying away from her" Akande replies. It sounded weird, but he truly meant it. He didn't want Angela's heart to belong to anyone else.. even though he wasn't exactly close with her, he was willing to do anything for her..
he hated this feeling... having a soft spot for someone was annoying and he wished he didn't have one, but he did, and he did not like it.

Overwatch high (gency)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora