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'Another day of school'
Genji though as he grabbed his bag from his locker. He had gotten used most things around here, but just the fact that he was attending an actual public school was kinda awesome. Back in Japan, he and his brother hadn't been allowed to attend public schools. Instead they were homeschooled every day by an old woman who Genji would call the witch. Not that she was a horrible person or anything, but she always used to complain about him not listening to her while having class. She kept repeating that he had to be more like his older brother Hanzo, but that only made Genji more annoyed. To him, Hanzo was the most boring person ever. He was always the one who was the better brother... he was smart, wise and their father always spoke well of him. But if there was one thing Genji was better at, it was sword fighting.
Hanzo has never been good with a sword, so if he had to choose a weapon in combat, it would be a bow. A weapon he would later use on him...
" Genji!" McCree calls out from behind him. Genji didn't expect the sudden appearance and without thinking, he punched McCree in the face. He wasn't punching to had tho, but the blow must have hurt anyway.
" Howdy... dude that truly hurt.. I didn't know you were such a scaredy-cat" he chuckles and rubs his cheek in pain.
" I'm so sorry!" Genji burst out.
" I truly didn't mean to punch you! I just.. you scared me alright?" He replies. He felt terrible for what he did.
" nah mate, this is all my fault." He chuckled and patted his shoulder like old buddies does.
" anyway, class is up soon, wane head over there now or do you have anything else on your mind?"
" what else am I supposed to have on my mind...?" Genji asks confused as he didn't understand what McCree had on his mind.
" well we could head out and talk? I kinda have some questions... you know... about your past." Mccre whispers the last part.
Genji though for a moment. They still had some time until next class, so if McCree wanted to talk, then why not let him.
" fine... let's talk then. But I honestly don't know this school well enough to find a place where we could be alone" he tells him and a grin crosses McCrees face.
" follow me"
Without any more questions, McCree leads the way towards wherever he was taking him. It didn't take long until they reached the destination. It was an empty classroom witch seemed to not be in use, like not at all. The whole place was covered in dust, and most of the things there seemed to be quite old.
" this place seems very... dead.." Genji mumbles as he walks in with McCree.
" ye, but almost no one knows about this place, so I bet no one will come by." He tells him and pulls out a dusty chair.
" but well... after hearing your story... I couldn't sleep last night..." he takes a seat and looks up at Genji, feeling bad for him.
Genji slowly sat down onto the desk closest to him. He wasn't exactly sure how to reply to this.
" please... don't feel bad for me... it happened and I'm still alive." Genji replies.
" Genji, you're hiding in America! They may even be lurking around this city after you! Dude you're in danger, and that maybe lasting for the rest of your life!" McCree burst out.
" I know... but still.." Genji responds.
" alright alright... but how does it feel...? Like seriously... how are you dealing with all of this? If this was me.. I would be freaking out if I saw a Japanese guy in this city!" McCree tells him.
This brought a smile onto Genji's face.
" I have to deal with it, I have to stay calm and pretend to be no one. Even if there's other Asian looking people around me." He chuckled.
" so you're just staying calm?.."
" more like laying low" Genji replies.
" I see. Well I'm always here for you. No matter what."
" well that's good to know"
" one more thing tho... you told me your brother almost killed you... how did he almost kill you? Did he use poison or something?" This had been the question that McCree had been bothered about.
Genji went silent for a moment. He couldn't remember everything clearly. He remembered fighting Hanzo. He remembered that this had been an ambush and that he had been in a lot of pain... and that his own weapon had been used against him...
" I... I guess I should show you..." Genji mumbles as he carefully grabs hold of his hoodie, and gently pulling it off himself. McCrees eyes widened at the sight before him. This was not what he had expected to see... as Genji removed his hoodie, large scars was revealed. There wasn't just one, but multiple. One even reached his neck. Genji's brother hadn't shoot him with a gun like he had imagined... or poisoned him... this had to be done with something sharp like a knife... or a sword.
" I wasn't supposed to survive..." the words that escapes Genji were quiet and painful.
" I... I can't believe this..." McCree mumbles. How could anyone bring themselves to do something like this to a kid... to Genji...
Genji pulls his hoodie back on as he didn't really like to be stared at. Not that it was anything wrong with McCree being curious or anything, but he didn't know him that well. And honestly... they become friends at Hanna's sleepover. If McCree hadn't been in the kitchen that night when Genji had those nightmares.. then he wouldn't have known anything about his past now... but honestly... it felt good that at least someone knew..
" does it hurt...?" McCrees finally breaks the silence.
" not at the moment. I've been given some type of medication that's helping against the pain, so I guess it's working alright." Genji replies.
" so it does hurt sometimes then.." McCree speaks.
" yes... sometimes..." Genji admits. It didn't happen often, but sometimes the medication would wear off earlier than it should, witch leads to burning pain from his wounds.
" damn... sorry you have to go through stuff like that.." McCree replies.
" don't worry about it. Just don't tell anyone alright..? No one really knows" Genji tells him.
" I'm not telling anyone, but I think we should head to class! Professor Reinhardt won't be happy if we're late." McCree now stands up from his seat, grabbing his backpack and starts heading towards the door.
" yeah, I honestly don't want to do some pushups just for being late" Genji replies with a chuckle and follows his partner.

It didn't take long until they reached the outdoor football fields as their next class was sports. Genji and McCree had managed to reach it just in time. But some people weren't as lucky.. people like Lúcio. Those who were late were punished by professors Reinhardt and were forced to run 20 laps around the field.
" aw man! This is what happens when your mom calls you right before class!" Lucio complains. But does as he's told.
Genji shyly starts to search the field for Angela. He had hoped to team up with her or something, but when he noticed that she wasn't there, he began to worry. He noticed Pharah standing aloe. She was one of Angela's closest friends, and also an asshole. He remembered the first day of school and the way she had treated him. But right now.. that didn't matter. If something was wrong with Angela, then Pharah would probably know.
As Reinhardt was busy explain something to the others, Genji quietly leaves McCrees side and quietly walks over to the dark skinned girl dressed up in blue sport clothing. According to Angela, Pharah were among the best soccer players at this school, also being the captain of the girls team.
" excuse me..." Genji mumbles as he reaches her. Pharah gives him a short glare before roll her eyes at him.
" what do you want?" She replies, sounding almost annoyed.
" I was just wondering if you know where Angela is...?" Genji carefully asks.
" why does it matter to you?" Pharah replies.
" I'm just wondering... she's not here.." Genji he tells her and Pharah takes a deep breath, not sounding so happy about him asking.
" I don't know why, but she's in the girls bathroom. Now shut up and leave her alone, you guys truly have no respect for girls" Pharah now walks over to one of her other friends, leaving him behind. He didn't like her, and it was very obvious that she didn't like him in return. For what reason? He didn't know, but right now, that didn't even matter. Why was Angela hiding out in the girls bathroom? She usually was never late for class...
Without letting anyone know, he quickly runs off the fields and sneaks into the boys locker room to get out of there. The girls bathroom wasn't to far away, he he wouldn't have a problem finding it.
But as he reaches the door, he stops himself before entering.
What if there were other girls in there? What if Angela was alright and he was just being weird? But then again... she usually never spent this much time in the bathroom..
Very gently, he knocks on the door.
" hello... you in there Angela..." Genji calmly speaks. He tried to listen for any answers, but nothing came. There was no sound coming from inside, witch meant Angela was probably alone in there.
Shyly he opens the door and peeks inside. No one. But he did notice that one of the lockers were closed. Suddenly he heard sobbing coming from inside.
" Angela...? Is that you..?" Genji finally enters. It felt weird to enter a forbidden place like this, but he recognized her... Angela was in her, but something wasn't right.
" Angela...?" He carefully knocks onto her door. The sobbing stops.
" Why are you in here Genji... this is the girls bathroom. Your gone end up in trouble if anyone finds you here!" The sweet voice of Angela replies.
" well, yeah I guess you're right, but something isn't right with you... are you alright? Please open the door.." genji gently asks. Angela doesn't reply, but he could hear her move in there. After about a minute, she finally decides to open the door.
" yes... I'm fine.. " she says as she walks out, rushing over to the sink to wash her face. Her eyes were red from crying.. he also noticed that her hair was a bit different, parts of it was used to cover up the left side of her face with..
This caught his attention. She usually didn't hide her face like that... neither did she usually cry at school..
" please tell me what's wrong.." Genji gently lays a hand onto her shoulder as she was bending over the sink to splash the cold water into her face. 
" nothing, I'm fine!" She replies almost angrily. This forced Genji to back away a little. He really didn't want to be on her bad side at the moment..
Angela noticed what she had done and felt bad right away.
" sorry... I didn't mean to be rude...I'm just... tired." She mumbles, slowly turning towards him. Genji quietly nods. He probably shouldn't have gone after her.. what could he do to help her? And she told him that she was alright.. he couldn't force her to admit anything if she didn't want to... but something was definitely wrong..
her hair was still covering her left side of the face witch it usually didn't, and he couldn't help himself now... he recognized this kind of attitude... he recognized this way of pretending to be okay when you weren't really okay...
Without asking, he reaches out his hand towards her forehead. As he does that, Angela slowly backs away a little, but she then realizes that Genji knew what she was trying to hide and quietly gave up on stopping him.. tears starts to roll down her cheeks as Genji gently brushes her hair away from her face, revealing the large blue mark on her face.
Genji's eyes widen in horror at the sight.
" who did this ...?" He whispers as he felt anger rise up in him.
Angela slowly lowers her head as she was ashamed of admitting defeat in-front of her friend.
" my... uncle..."

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