Twenty one

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Angela's eyes goes wide by the mention of her name by a stranger she didn't recognize.
" h... how do you know my name...?" She replies. Had she met him before?
Reyes awkwardly puts down his bowl of Cheerios and smiles at her.
" you've grown so much... I must admit.. I didn't recognize you at first.. but you have your mothers eyes" Reyes sadly smiles and leans in against the wall,
" y.. you knew my mother...?" The mention of her mother had brought up a spark in her chest and lots of questions filled her mind.
" knew her? Of course I did. Your father couldn't shut up about her when we attended high school together" He wasn't sure how long it's been since the accident that claimed the life of his best friend, but just seeing their daughter all grown up, made him realize how fast time truly has passed by...
" You knew my father as well.?" Her eyes went wide in curiosity and Genji could almost swear that he saw tears in them..
" yeah, he's originally from Switzerland, but most of his childhood, he grew up here in this town."
Angela was stunned by what she had just heard. This guy knew her father... and by the way he talks about him, they knew each other pretty well...
" your father was a good man... and a very good friend.." Reyes slowly looked away as old memories were treating to bring tears to his eyes.
" I., I never knew him that well..." she quietly whispers. It hurt her to admit it, but she had been so young when both of her parents past away... only five years old.
Reyes face saddens when she spoke those words. Usually, things like this didn't effect him much, but now it did...
" and that's not your fault..." Reyes replies. Angela knew it couldn't be her fault, but it didn't stop her from feeling guilty somehow.
" said you knew him..." her voice was shaky, but she couldn't help it, to many emotions were in control now. She had never met a person who knew her father, who also didn't happen to be his brother, and according to this man, they were close.
" at the level of bromance. Your father was the brother I never had." Then this man knew him very well then...
Genji couldn't completely understand what was going on at the moment, but he noticed how Angela was close to tear up, and gently lays a hand onto her shoulder. Reyes knew her, and he also knew her father... witch means this was a hard topic for her... for both of them.

" enough talk, why don't you show her around Genji? I don't think she would want to spend all her time talking to this old man" Reyes chuckles as he walks over to the two of them.
" but... if you want to talk Angela, don't hesitate.." he gently lays a hand onto her shoulder and smiles warmly down at her.
" I'm off to work for now, don't do anything stupid Genji, I mean it"
Genji quietly rolls with his eyes as he nods in response.
" I mean it" the old man grins and finally leaves the two of them behind.
" have a nice day at work.. and say hi to Echo from me" Genji calls out after him.
Angela quietly watches Reyes leave the house before she turns her attention back to Genji with a confused expression on her face.
" Echo? Who's that?"she asked curiously. It sounded like a girls name. Could it be someone dare to him...?
" oh! Right! Echo ... I don't know how to explain her to be honest... before we moved here, I used to .. well join Reyes at work. There I spent a lot of my time with this intelligent machine robot thing. Honestly... I don't know how to explain her. I think the people there said she's an ominic, but I don't know what that is."
A chuckle escapes her as a wave of relief ran through her. At least it wasn't his girlfriend or anything.
" you spent a lot of time at your father's workplace? Why?" Angela couldn't help but think of this as a bit strange. Why wasn't he at school or at home? And what kid of job did Reyes have?
" that's a story for another time! Are you hungry? I'm not good at cooking but we could make something." The thought of food made Angela forget about what they were talking about and she excitedly nods in reply.
" I'm starving"
" anything special you want?" Genji replies.
" anything, I'm not picky" Angela replies and follows Genji over to the fridge to see what it contained.
" sorry about the mess by the way... we're both bad at keeping it clean..." Genji mumbles as he opens the fridge. There wasn't much to choose from, but Angela noticed some vegetables and grabbed them.
" do you have noodles? I know how to cook something with these" she grins up at him.
" y..yeah! We actually do! I will go and get them!"

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