chapter eleven

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I turned to look at Maria who called my name. "You should take a break," she gave me a small smile.

"I'm fine," I said before turning back to the clothes in front of me. I placed the folded shirt in my hands on a basket.

Maria's footsteps grew louder. "The clothes will still be here after your break." She paused. "I'm worried about you."

I continued to fold the clothes. "Why?"

"You've been different," her accent became more prominent the more she spoke. "Estas mas flaca, mas pálida. Your health worries me."

"I'm fine, Maria."

I placed the last item of clothing in the basket. At that moment, one of the washing machines let out a beep. I opened it and began removing the clothes inside. Maria didn't utter another word and helped me remove the clothes that was already in the drier while I placed the wet clothing into the drier before turning it on.

I ran a hand over my forehead. The laundry room had always been the hottest room in the entire mansion. Today, however, it seemed to be hotter than usual. I didn't know if it was because of how I have felt recently and not having been here for some time impacted my sensations or today really just was one of those days were it was unusually hotter than the rest.

I joined Maria and helped her fold the clothes, placing it in a basket.

I understood it her concern and agreed with everything she told me, but didn't voice my thoughts. I was different and my health had declined drastically over the past three weeks. It wasn't until last week that I started working again. After what Louis had done to me, Anna insisted that I stayed in bed — not that I would've if she thought otherwise. During that time, I had started eating less. When I was alone, I didn't cry. I had wasted all my tears the night I was raped. Instead, I allowed my mind to fill with dark thoughts.

I wanted to escape and run away from this place. I wanted Louis to suffer far worse than I had. I wanted to kill myself most of all.

I shook my head slightly as a wave of nausea traveled through me. Not now.

I had not seen Louis since that night. In all honesty, I didn't know how I'd react if I ever saw him again. I only wished he'd die or something. Although what he did to me would never go away, at least I'd know he would.

"Who's in charge of taking the baskets?" Maria asked.

"Zoe and Marwa," I answered.

"They should be here by now," Maria looked at the clock on the wall and frowned. "Should we go look for them?"

"Let's give them five more minutes." Maria agreed by giving me a nod and started a new washing machine. After five minutes, we headed out to look for Zoe and Marwa.

I froze in at the end of the hall the moment my blue eyes laid themselves on the front doors.

Louis and Annabeth stepped into the mansion as they continued their heated discussion. I didn't bother listening. Immediately, I turned and bumped Maria's side in the process, causing her to let out a hiss followed by a Spanish phrase in which she was either complaining of the unexpected action or sending me a few curse words.

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