chapter two

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The moment our professor turned on the projector, we knew class had just begun. "Good morning. I hope you all had a nice winter break. I'm professor Weigler and welcome to statistical methods. Let's begin."

He pulled up the syllabus and continued, "today we'll go over the syllabus and on Wednesday we'll start our actual class."

As our professor explained what would happen the next few months, Dean and I enjoyed our breakfast. I glanced at him when I saw him offer me some munchkins. I smiled and picked out a glazed one. I thanked him before eating it whole.

He chuckled, "no problem."

"We really shouldn't make this a habit. You know, the eating in class thing. I would feel bad eating while professor Weigler is trying to teach us." I pouted before taking another bite of my turkey sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich.

"Well that would require us waking up earlier and coming to campus earlier. Wouldn't it?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"On second thought. I don't feel so bad."

"You and me both," he smiled before taking a sip of his iced coffee.

The remainder of class had gone by quick as it did every first day of school. Professor Weigler finished ten minutes before class was supposed to end. However, I knew that it most likely wouldn't be the case starting tomorrow.

"Well that sums up everything on today's agenda. You guys are free to go. If you have questions or want to stay for the remainder of class time you're free to do so."

And with that most of the class stood up and left. Only a few went up to ask him questions while Dean and I, along with five other students stayed seated.

"When's your next class?" Dean asked.

"In about thirty minutes, but I can get there in less than ten." He nodded.

From the corner of my eye, I saw the couple in front of us turn to face us. The girl spoke first, "hey, sorry if I'm interrupting. I don't usually do this sort of thing, the whole talking to people first. I'm Destiny." She smiled.

Destiny has black eyes and her black hair was up in a curly afro puff while her edges were neatly done. She wore big gold hoop earrings, a black lace shirt with the word 'Brooklyn' written in white bold, blue jeans and sneakers. From what I could tell she wore just mascara and lip gloss while her bronze skin looked clear and glowy.

I noticed she didn't have a Brooklyn accent but it didn't mean that she probably wasn't from there.

"Oh no worries," I told her. "I'm Alaina. This is Dean." I gestured at himself and he smiled at them.

Destiny turned to the guy next to her. "This is Link," she turned back to us. "We're both freshmen. Well, technically sophomores since we did some college classes while in high school."

Link has dark brown eyes and his black hair into a buzz cut. Like Destiny, he also had bronze skin. He wore black shorts, a white long sleeved shirt with the words 'street fighter' on it and anime characters above it, and white sneakers.

Dean joined the conversation, "that's cool. Where you guys from?"

"Brooklyn," Link answered. He had the accent.

"Allie here is from Florida, born and raised. I moved here from Georgia freshman year of college," Dean stated.

"What grade are you guys in?" Destiny asked.

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