chapter thirty seven

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A/N: long chapter, enjoy ❤️


I continued to update Mr. Lebedev. Teo. I still wasn't sure whether calling him Teo rather than formally addressing him was appropriate considering our situation. I'd provide him with information and he'd see to it that my husband would be killed. I guess that made us close somewhat.

Because of our agreement I left my room more.

It was a lot more tiring than I expected and usually had to sit down for a bit, but I guess no one found it odd since I was pregnant.

I rarely saw Hayley as well. She was usually given chores that would take her the whole day or required her to leave the mansion. I needed to make sure I knew when either Teo or Markus decided to act. I didn't want myself nor Hayley anywhere near it.

Teo said he'd tell me in time, but how long before would that be? Markus wouldn't tell me much either. I knew everything, but nothing at the same time.

A kick to my lower stomach brought me out of my thoughts. I placed a hand over the area and received two more kicks. I expected for the baby to be more active, but the doctor said that some babies were more dormant than others. What was important was that the baby kicked, which they did every once in a while, and that they fully turned head down at about thirty six weeks so that labor wouldn't be complicated. I still had about four more weeks till the next checkup. My forehead creased, brows knitted together. The gender of the baby would be revealed by then.

Before more thoughts could surface, there was a knock at my door. I sent them a command to enter.

"Mrs. Coldwell," Zoe, one of the maids, lowered her head upon seeing me. I had told the maids that they could address me by my name when it was just us in my room. I knew it made them uncomfortable, most likely out of fear what would happen if someone else had heard them address me like that, and so I didn't try correcting them again.

The maids knew what they had to do. They'd knock, I'd let them in, and they brought in the cart full of my meal. This time there was no cart. Not just that, she came earlier. I frowned.

"Is something the matter?" I ask Zoe.

"Mr. Coldwell asks for your presence at lunch."

My body stiffens. Not once had Louis and I ate together. We barely saw each other, thankfully. The only reason I could come up as to why he'd want me present is because of the baby. He wanted to discuss about it. "Would it just be the two of us?" I asked, expecting her answer to be yes.

"The rest of the Coldwell's will be here shortly for lunch."

I wasn't sure whether I was fully relieved with the idea of the rest of Louis' family being here. The only person I was happy to see was Annabeth. Whatever the reason for having to sit at lunch, at least he wouldn't come up to my room. He had stopped since the last time he raped me, which was months ago. Whatever the reason, I was glad he hadn't made any other moves towards me.

I didn't doubt he had mistresses. I knew he wouldn't be faithful. After everything he did to me. I hadn't heard of any other incident with the maids and there was never random women walking in or out of the mansion. He must've been seeing them elsewhere. As fucked up as it sounded, rather it be those other women than me. I assumed—hoped—they were willingly wanting to lay with him.

As I thought of how the next hour would go, I knew avoiding it wouldn't be a good idea. For both Zoe and I. Hopefully I could get information from them without having to actually speak much to them.

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