chapter twenty three

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I headed to the bathroom after waking up alone beneath the cold covers. The walk was comfortably uncomfortable. I cleaned up and fixed my appearance.

I swiped a hand over the fogged mirror. Other than the soreness I felt, my skin had a few red areas. Heat traveled to my cheeks while butterflies flew further down my torso as I remembered how those areas ended up like that.

A frown casted itself on my face. I should be glad Markus didn't leave any marks that would raise assumptions or conclusions about what we had done. But at the same time I wanted to see what he had done to me. I wanted to wake up the next few days with the reminder of what we did.

I let out a sigh before leaving the bathroom and entering my new closet. I noticed that all my things from my previous room had been moved to this one. I grabbed a pair of navy blue jeans, a white tee, and white sneakers. I kept the sneakers beside my bed as I finished the rest of my look. I left my hair loose, noticing I'd need to cut it soon. My makeup was minimal: concealer where it was needed, setting powder, blush, mascara, and a lip hydrating gloss.

I was not going to sit around all day like before. I had made a promise to myself that I would bring this shit hole to the ground. Being honest with myself, I had no clue where to start. Louis had connections, eyes and ears everywhere, weapons, and money that granted him power.

I was carrying his child, that's it. Annabeth said she would help me, but I could not rely on her as much as I wanted to. Although we were in a way close, we only bonded because of the baby. I could not place my trust on anyone when I'm sure they didn't even trust the people around them. Markus included. I didn't know much about him and him less of me. Whatever we did and would do would not influence what I wanted and will do with Louis and his family, except Annabeth. Whether the baby was the reason she still stayed with me, I'm thankful for all she had done for me. But when I get my revenge, if she gets in my way I will not offer her a second chance.

A knock sounded from the outside of my room. After allowing them to enter, I heard the cart roll in. I didn't pay attention as to who came in. Unless Louis wanted the baby and I to starve to death, I knew it was one of the maids bringing in breakfast.

I put away the makeup products I had used and faced the maid. The roots of her brown tight curls were brushed down. Her hair wasn't long but she was able to tie it back. A few strands poked out on the sides of her face, but didn't make her hairstyle disordered. Her skin was a glowing rich brown that matched her eyes. Her plump lips, for the most part, also matched her skin but were pink colored as it neared to the inside of her mouth. Standing from my seat, I noticed we were similar in height.

A small smile made its way on her lips. "Oatmeal with a bowl of fruits and plate of toast for breakfast. There's milk, lemonade, and orange juice to drink."

"Milk," I smiled at her. "Please."

I watched her smile grow slightly before she began pouring my drink. She placed the cart at the edge of my bed. I sat beside it and began to eat. The maid excused herself to allow me some privacy, said she'd be back in a few minutes to get the cart.

If I wanted my plan to succeed, I needed to make allies — even if it was all just pretend. I needed to learn more about Louis and the life I was forced to live. "Wait," I ordered. I grimaced when I saw her back tense. "Could I ask you a few questions?" She turned to me and nodded.

"Where is Louis?" I didn't not plan on seeing him and wanted to avoid him at all cost.

"Mr. Coldwell left a few hours ago. From what I heard, he was going to meet with the older Mr. Coldwell." His father. Probably to discuss things related to the American mafia since he was now officially the one with the power.

"Do you know when he'll be back?" I asked.

She shook her head. "We weren't told anything, but I assume it'll be hours before he's back. He is not around unless he needs to be." Thank fucking God.

With a curt nod, I ate a grape. "Is there anyone who can show me around?"

"I will not be able to, Mrs. Coldwell. But I can find someone who can." I didn't like having his last name, but didn't comment on it. I didn't know if she would report back to someone on what we spoke about. For now I'd have to gain her trust.

"Thank you. What's your name?"

"Jasmine," she answered.

I let Jasmine leave and finished the rest of my breakfast. I was thankful I didn't have to run to the bathroom and sit in front of the sink or toilet until I emptied it. But I knew that my mornings won't always be like this. I guess it wouldn't be hard to hide it from them since the maids would leave whenever I ate, probably due to Louis orders. If anything I could always ask for more food afterwards if I ever did vomit.

When did they want to announce I was pregnant? I wondered. Would I still be pregnant by then? At that point the maids will know I'm pregnant when they see me. If I left my room, everyone in the mansion would know. No matter how much Louis or his parents would want to keep it secret, if they did by then, wouldn't be able to. Someone would talk eventually, maybe the enemy might find out.

My palm landed on my stomach and I felt nothing in particular. "I'm sorry you have a mom like me." I bit the inside of my cheek. My eyes began to sting. "Neither one of us deserves this..."

I looked down at my stomach. "I know I'm not the best mother... I probably never will be... But I won't let you turn out like Louis." I won't allow it.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door. I quickly wiped my tears and told them to come in. Two sets of footsteps came in from the hall. "Mrs. Coldwell," Jasmine spoke. "Hayley here will give you a tour of the mansion."

My head snapped up to them and I gasped. I wasn't crazy back when I went after her at the mall. I had seen her. She was alive. Hayley was here.



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