chapter forty one

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The men readied the vehicles needed to transport Alaina and Louis to the clinic. Some of them were already located at our destination should anything arise before or after we arrive. Getting Alaina away from Louis before that would be difficult.

I was running on two hours of sleep. Nothing I hadn't gone through before, but it was partly due to my worries. I knew I could get Alaina out of this hell hole. I had the men, power, and knowledge to do so. Time was the problem.

I hadn't planned to do this today, but circumstances forced my hand. I understood Alaina's worries. As much of a monster she made him seem, she didn't know exactly what kind of monster he was. How far he would go. What he was capable of. She only knew a fraction. Staying here with him for the rest of what Louis determined her life consisted would show her who Louis truly was.

I wasn't going to let that happen.

"They're ready," one of the men spoke referring to the vehicles. Louis nor Alaina had come down yet. They wouldn't until everything was ready.

"Ready boss," another spoke into their earpiece.

Alaina should be coming down any moment, I thought. That was the first order. Get Mrs. Coldwell outside and into the second vehicle. Louis came when Louis wanted. No one would say otherwise unless they were expecting punishment or death.

A few minutes passed by and Alaina hadn't come down. Two men were ordered to collect her. That was the order they were given. I stayed outside, waiting.

I gently tugged at my collar. I didn't like wearing ties. They had always felt like a restraint. The only good memories I have when I did wear them were with mamá and papá. She would always dress us in a tie matching her outfit for special events. It made her happy, among other things. She would tell me how handsome I looked and would place a kiss on each of my cheeks and forehead.

Papá didn't complain either. He loved my mother too much. I don't remember him ever making her unhappy. That was what I loved most about him. Mamá was the best mother in my eyes. She deserved everything good that came to her . . . And more.


I knew what I had just heard. For a split second I thought my brain was replaying the scene of my parents death. My father was the first they killed. One single shot is all it took. And then it was ma—

"It came from inside!"

I don't know who yelled. I couldn't associate their voice with everything that was going on in this moment, but I felt my heart dropped before the chaos began.

Every fiber in my body ran cold. My heartbeat banged against my eardrums, silencing everything in my surroundings. I don't remember what orders I gave or which were given to me—if there were any. I don't remember when I started running—how fast I made it to the second floor. My mind was blank and yet thinking of every possibility as to why only a single gunshot was heard.

Before I knew it, I was swinging the door to Alaina's room open.

Louis was in there and it was then that I heard Alaina's cries. The pain behind behind her tears twisted my heart. She was kneeling on the ground with her back to me—her hands by her stomach.

I couldn't breathe. It wasn't even the first thing I wanted—needed—to do. I just needed to get to her.


All I could think was Alaina.

I moved forward.


Her name repeated itself over and over.


With just one step, I saw what had happened and the weight of the thought of seeing Alaina hurt physically had lifted. There wasn't a single wound on Alaina's body that I could see.

But she was still sobbing with a body laying in front of her.

The maid on the ground wasn't moving. Alaina continuously touched the maid's face or arms and gently shook her in hopes of getting a reaction from her. There was too much blood on the floor coming from maid. I remember seeing her a few times. There was never an interaction between the two of us. She didn't know me nor about me, but I knew about her and everyone else working for the Coldwell's. But why was Alaina this distressed over her? Had they built a friendship since Alaina moved here? I pushed the thought away. The origin of their friendship wasn't my priority.

The maid had lost too much blood to the point that her pale skin had turned ghost white. Her red locks were soaked in crimson and her eyes were a dull green and not as vibrant as they should've. She was—

"Hayley," Alaina took in a deep breath. "Oh God, Hayley get up. You have to get up."

The men who walked in after me stared at the scene, unsure of what to do. Louis stood a few feet away from Alaina. He displayed no emotions, but he still held his gun. His pointer finger tapped along the side of the barrel. I had my gun in hand. I was ready to shoot anyone who dared aim a gun at Alaina. Consequences be damned.

"Get rid of the body."

As soon as Louis have the order, two men began to move. Alaina snapped her gaze at Louis. She wanted him dead, her look gave away.

I held her back before she could take three steps in his direction. She thrashed in my arms which made he tighten my hold. "Let go of me!" She yelled. "Don't touch Hayley!"

The men didn't listen to her. Women held little to no power in this life, even if you married the don and carried his heir. It would continue to be like this unless someone powerful enough made it happen.

The moment Hayley's body was carried out of the room Alaina stopped trying to lunge at Louis. Her body sagged and she leaned into my touch. I didn't make a move to comfort her. I wanted to, but not with Louis nor any of his men around.

It was then that I felt . . . Something. Alaina let out a hiss and the baby moved again. Alaina would've fallen hard onto her knees had I not been holding her. The baby was actively and forcefully shifting. "Ma'am?" I asked.

I needed to get a response from Alaina. Maybe she was having another fake labor. My God, I hoped it was that. I was limited to what I could do with Alaina and Louis in the same room. If I screwed up, Louis could easily kill me and hurt Alaina, or worse.

"The baby," was all she said.

"Get her in the car." Louis ordered and made his way out the room. I wasted no time in lifting Alaina in my arms and carrying her out. While orders were being barked and men rushing in all different directions, my focus was solely on Alaina. I rubbed circles with my thumbs in hopes that would do something. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay, that I was there for her, but there were too many of the wrong people around.

Everything would be okay. I assured myself. Alaina will be okay.

She had to be.

As soon as I secured Alaina in the vehicle designated to her, we sped to the clinic. For once I was glad Louis was being the fucker he was because I got to carry and accompany Alaina farther than the rest of the men. I was able to listen to everything that was said between Alaina and the medical professionals. Louis kept his answers short, but most of the talking was between Alaina and the professionals.

Placing Alaina on the bed they prepared for her, I froze when I heard the doctor's next words.

"She's in labor."

So I know you guys are probably feeling anxious after this chapter. I am too *laughs nervously* Please don't hate me 😅

Theories on what will happen next?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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