chapter one

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I greeted my mother after answering her call to which she replied, "hi sweetie, ready to start school again?"

I smiled to myself. "Just one more term and I'll finally be in my last year of college. Of course I'm ready."

I could feel her current smile grow wider. "That's good. How's the apartment? You doing okay with your roommates?"

"Yeah, we all finished settling in this past weekend," I answered. "I'll send pictures of the apartment once I get back from my classes. Oh and Hayley told me to say hi to you for her next time I spoke with you." Hayley was one of my roommates that I met my freshman year at orientation. We were both majoring in Computer Science and were placed together in a group. We exchanged numbers that same day and kept in touch ever since.

Hayley is one of those people that loves learning new things. She never stuck to one thing, she couldn't or else she'd bore herself; hence her many talents. She even searched it up; multipotentialite, someone with many different interests, talents, and pursuits in life.

It's no wonder why she switched between many majors. She went from Computer Science to Art, then Biology, Criminal Justice, and finally Digital Media; all within our freshman year.

"Give her a hug for me, will you?" My mother asked. "Haven't seen her since thanksgiving break last year."

"I will. She also wanted me to tell you that she might be able to come by again during thanksgiving; she just has to work some things out."

"That's alright. What time does your first class start?" She asked.

"At ten thirty." I pulled my phone away from my ear and checked the time before adding on. "So in an hour."

"Okay well then I should let you go. You know I'm proud of you right?"

At that moment, I heard my father's voice in the background. I wasn't able to understand what he said but my mother spoke again. "And your dad hopes you know he's proud of you too."

"I know mom. Tell dad I know."

I was thankful for the kind of parents I had. Although I didn't say it much, I did my best to show them that I was. "I love you... both you and dad."

"We love you too baby."

Once again, I heard my father's voice in the background followed by the sound of movement. My mother had handed him the phone and upon doing so my father called out to me.

"Hey dad. How are you?" I asked.

Last semester my father had a colostomy just before Thanksgiving. It was a miracle that the doctors were able to detect the cancer before it did more damage than it had already done; since then my father had to use a colostomy bag. It wasn't easy for any of us at first, especially him. Even now he still has moments where, although he might not show it, I know he feels uncomfortable and even embarrassed because of it.

"I'm good. Your mother made cherry pie earlier-"

"Which he ate it all!" I heard my mother yell.

My father and I both let out a small laugh. "Says the one that made it just for me," my father said to her.

My smile grew, "too bad I wasn't there to help make it."

"Aw no worries. However, I do need you to worry about school."

"Always dad."

He chuckled, "I know baby. I know your mother told you already but I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks dad." There was always something about when my father said things like that to me. He wasn't one to often express how he felt but when he did you knew he meant every word he said.

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