chapter eighteen

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I paced around the room. I shook my hands in the air whenever my palms began to sweat. Every once in a while I'd bring my nails up to my mouth, but would quickly bring them down. When I was little, I used to have a bad habit of biting my nails whenever I was nervous. My body wanted to give in to that habit again, wanting to find some sort of control and comfort in the chaos that was occurring in my mind.

"Alaina," Annabeth called. I slightly jumped when she placed her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry... please sit down."

I took a seat on the high chair in front of a pink marble vanity. We were currently, or at least waiting for me to calm down, so that I could get ready for the wedding. We were currently in the building where it would take place. A grand hotel that was owned by the Coldwell's. Annabeth's parents planned it all, more like her mother did while her father simply provided the money and details about the security of the building. From what Annabeth told me, they too got married in this hotel — it was kind of a tradition for the Coldwell males who would become capos.

The room we were in was part of the hotel. It used to be empty but was now filled with everything we'd need to get ready for the evening.

Annabeth gave me a small smile.

I still had my white silk robe on while she had her dress. She wore a pink satin spaghetti strap dress that reached the floor. She paired it with diamond drop earrings and silver heels.

 She paired it with diamond drop earrings and silver heels

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The dress fit her perfectly, showing her curves. Annabeth didn't have a large chest, no more than a C cup I assume, but she is beautiful. She was everything I wanted to be. Beautiful, strong, and brave. I felt none of those things, especially in the presence of her family.

However, her look wasn't complete. She had removed her shoes earlier. From what she told me, she hated wearing heels. She preferred boots and sneakers. Her makeup and hair weren't done either.

"Let me know whenever you're ready," Annabeth said.

When would I ever be?

I swallowed. Sooner or later this would happen. There was no way out besides death, and I was selfish enough to want to keep living. I promised myself a while back that I would somehow find a way to get my revenge.

I gave her a curt nod and turned to the mirror in front of me. "Ready," I stated firmly.

Annabeth proceeded to let the hair stylist and makeup artist in the room. Annabeth had her hair done first while I had my makeup done, afterwards we would switch. In the end, my makeup consisted of a nude lip color, brown smokey shadows that made the blue of my eyes pop, as well as a bit of contour and highlight to emphasize my features. My blonde hair was parted down my middle and curled at the ends, strands tucked behind my ears.

I ran my hands down the sides of my dress as I stared at myself in the mirror on the wall. The change in my appearance once again brought an ache to my heart. Besides the dress and makeup, this place had changed me for worse I'd say. Maria's words played in my head. You simply don't last long with just a kind heart, not in this world. They either end up doing anything to survive or die.

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