chapter sixteen

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I kneeled in front of the toilet as I got rid of my breakfast. I took in heavy breaths and thought of anything but the horrid smell of my stomach contents and the burning sensation in my throat. In all honesty I would rather go through my weekly menstrual cycle than do this every day for about the next eight months.

When my body had nothing else to get rid of, I slowly stood up and reached the sink. I thoroughly brushed my mouth and splashed cold water in my face.

A knock on my bed room door resonated into the bathroom.

I slowly made my way to the door and opened it. Annabeth stood on the other side of it.

"Can I come in?" She gave me a small smile. I allowed her in by moving out of the way and opening the door wider.

She stood by the vanity. "Everything okay? Any morning sickness, soreness, or other pregnancy symptoms today?" I nodded.

She continued, "do you need anything?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Food and rest. I didn't sleep well last night."

Annabeth nodded, "I'll send a maid."

She paused. I knew there was more she wanted to say. She didn't move from her spot and crossed her arms in front of her. When I noticed she wouldn't say anything, I asked her what kept me up most nights — alongside the constant running to the bathroom.

"When is the wedding?"

"Three days," she answered.

A look of shock mixed with confusion played on my face. My frown deepened as I asked, "why? I thought I had more time to—" To prepare myself for the inevitable. "Don't weddings take months to prepare?"

"My parents thought it was for the best to tie things as soon as possible," she looked away. "Everything runs faster when you have money."

I was unsure whether she wanted me to hear that last part due to how soft her voice sounded.

"Okay," was all I said. There was nothing I could do to change things. Even if Annabeth's only reason for helping me was because of the life inside of me, not even she could do much either. She had done enough as it is.

"They aren't here," she said. "Louis and my father left on a business trip. They'll be back tomorrow."

"What about your mother?" I asked.

"Out with some man," she shrugged her shoulders. "She won't be back until tonight."

I had noticed for a while that Annabeth was always alone, even with her family present. She was always worried about me that I never thought to worry about her. It made me wonder if she had any friends or lover. "What are your plans for today?"

She smiled, "I was planning on going out."


Although her smile didn't change, her cheeks were kissed with shades of light pink. She chuckled, "no. I'm meeting with a friend."

"Oh okay," I nodded.

"Unless you need me to stay," she added. "I can see them some other time."

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