chapter twenty four

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Hayley and I were left in silence after Jasmine had left. Much like with me, Hayley had changed. She looked well fed. Her skin was healthy. No cracked lips, no eye bags, no bruises or never before seen marks, and no sign of any loss of weight. From a distance you would think she still looked like the Hayley I always knew. But she wasn't.

The smile on her face was not genuine. She stood straighter than ever, like a soldier would. Her stare told me her story. Her eyes told me everything I needed to know. Hayley had changed, physically from what I could see. But even if I could see beyond that, even if I couldn't feel what she felt, I knew this place was not kind to her either.

Did she not recognize me? Hayley fought the frown that was forming on her face. "I'm sorry," her lips curled down before quickly forming into a smile. While it wasn't wicked, it was a sad one, not reaching her eyes or scrunching her nose whenever she truly felt happy.

I stood. "It's me Hayley. It's me, Alaina."

The look on her face was immediately replaced with grief. "Alaina?" Her voice cracked, sounding as if she couldn't believe what she was saying. I blinked through my tears, nodding.

I don't remember who moved first, whether it was her, I, or whether we did at the same time. But we had somehow ended up in each other's arms. We crushed each other as if it was all a dream, a hallucination, and we were scared to let go and end up alone again. I felt the material on my shoulder start to get damp as Hayley took in heavy breaths. My eyes spilled their own tears and I knew Hayley felt them as well. "You're here," Hayley mumbled. Her grip tightened. "I thought I'd never... I thought I'd never see you again."

A sob escaped my lips. "I saw you at the mall. I knew I wasn't crazy." I pulled away slightly and frowned. "You disappeared and then I lost you again. I didn't know where you went, how you left, but I knew I saw you."

Hayley nodded. "I heard you. I didn't see you but I heard you." She let out a small laugh. "I thought I was going crazy. I thought I was hearing things. And then I was ordered to keep walking, to not look back. I thought that maybe you did find me." She pulled into her arms again and whispered, loud enough for me to hear. "I'm sorry I didn't stop. I should've turned around."

I shook my head. "I'm just glad you're here now."

We held each other in silence. Our grip wasn't as tight but the fear that we could be separated once more still lingered. When we pulled away from each other, she spoke, "you... changed." Her face showed nothing but pain as her eyes scanned my body. I only nodded.

"Have you always been here?" I asked.

"Yes," Hayley answered. "After they sold me," she swallowed hard. "They took us to a warehouse where they picked where we went after." I slowly nodded, remembering the experience. "I was picked to be a maid and was sent here."

"I don't know how long after they took you," I started. "They lined another group of us. I went to the warehouse and was also picked to be a maid. I was at the other mansion, where most of their men were at, where the rest of the Coldwell's were." No words followed. There was so much that happened, so much I wanted to tell her, but the pain and memories of it prevented me from voicing them.

It was then that Hayley had realized something. She brought a hand up to her mouth. "You're..." she looked down at my hand where my ring laid, proof of my marriage to Louis. "No," she shook her head. "No. No. No. You're not married. You're not pregnant."

She knew, meaning there were probably others that did as well. They were probably forced to keep a secret. I would ask her another time.

I did nothing, which that itself was an answer of its own. An answer Hayley understood and what I assumed was an explanation as to what had happened to me, how I ended up how I was. "I'm so sorry," her tears returned. I shook my head. There was nothing for her to be sorry about, but I didn't say anything. Afraid I'd break into another sob.

"And Keira?" Hayley asked. In all honesty, I had never forgotten about her. For the short time I was with her, Keira had stood up for me when there was no reason for her to do so. She took physical and verbal beatings for me when she didn't even know who I was. I could never forget her, but I did not want to remember anything of what had happened since they took us.

"I don't know. We were lined up together but I never saw her again after they sold me."

Hayley changed the subject. "We should get going," she gave me a small smile. "It'll take a while to show you the place." We headed out of the room and into the hallway. I realized that it was the only room there. Hayley and I kept a reasonable distance between each other. No one knew that we knew each other, at least not that I knew of. I wasn't about to let them know, fearing of what others could possibly use it for. I had no doubt they'd use our friendship against us if given the chance.

We started with the floor we were currently in, the second. She showed me where the other bedrooms are, each with their own bathroom. Now that I knew where Louis' was I would avoid it and him at all costs. There was a living room area, larger than my master bedroom, with an L shaped couch, large television screen, a few other seats for others to sit at, and a few other things to add detail and color to the neutral furniture. On the first floor was the kitchen, another living room, laundry room, the maids rooms, two more bathrooms (one on each side of the mansion), library, ballroom, meeting room, and Louis office (another place I'd avoid).

I couldn't deny how beautiful everything was, even with its neutral colors. One could only dream for such a lifestyle. But no matter how beautiful it was, all the bad moments I'd have to endure here would top it.

We moved outside. First came the patio that had a couple of seats arranged into a square. A few pots filled with perfectly shaped bushes sat nearby. Beyond the patio was a pool as large as the one at the other mansion and after that was a large territory of land with gardens and two smaller buildings. "Both buildings are empty, more for events and things like that or storage if needed," Hayley spoke. "Are you hungry? I was told to bring you to the kitchen once we were done with the tour."

I nodded, "are you going to eat too?"

Hayley shook her head. "We're not supposed to eat with the members of the house. I'll eat something later."

"Can you stay though?"

"If you want me to. If you wanted you'd dine on your own, but we have to follow you and Mr. Coldwell's orders."

I frowned. "Who gave that order?" I would bet, knew, that Louis didn't.

"It's the rule of every woman that marries into the mafia. She automatically has the right to give orders, but if her husband disagrees then we would listen to him. The men have a final say in everything. The men are above the women." So Louis hadn't said anything otherwise. Either he didn't care or hadn't remembered it. I did not want to find out.

Hayley's lips curled down. I knew she wanted to say something else about or related to the topic, but she simply shook her head. "Let's eat."



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