Ch. 2: Living Arrangement

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Your POV
As I was walking down the path, I got even more lost. I mean who wouldn't? This place is freaking huge! In the anime, sure it looks small but, in real life it's a whole another level. I look around to see if I can ask someone for directions. Then, I decided to ask one of the fruit sellers.

"Excuse me sir? Can you please tell me where I can find the Hokage building?" I asked him nicely.

"Well hello young lady, I haven't seen you around. You must be new here, sure I'll tell you. The Hokage building is the tallest building located near the Hokage Rock in which you will see up ahead. Just go straight from here and you will find it." The old man responded kindly.

"Thank you sir. Have a nice day!" I thanked the old man while bowing respectively and proceeded to walk straight.

After fifteen minutes of walking, I finally found the building. When he said it is the tallest, he meant the TALLEST. Wow, I feel puny from down here. Anyway, I walk through the entrance and made my way upstairs. As soon as I reached his office, I knock on the door.

"Come in." The Hokage replied.

'All right Y/n you can do this! Just tell him that you're not from here and you need help after you lost your family. Yeah that's it. All right here we go...'

I walk through the door and low and behold there's the great third Hokage sitting proudly behind his desk face to face. With a stack of papers all around him and a smoking pipe in his mouth. Geez I feel bad for him. I know how it feels to do a lot of paperwork. It's never pretty. He lifts his head from his paper and looks at me from top to bottom.

With an elderly voice, he said, "Hello young one, what brings you to my office?"

I took a deep breath and replied, "Hello Lord Third Hokage, my name is F/n L/n. I was wondering if I can live here in this village? I stumbled upon here after I got lost in the forest."

"Hm, may I ask y/n, how did you get lost in the forest in the first place?" The Hokage asked curiously and suspiciously.

I can feel a bead of sweat forming on the side of my head.

'Should I tell him? I mean he is a wise old guy and he should believe me. Right? Besides he doesn't seem like the type to not see through my lies. Ah screw it! I'll just tell him.'

"If I tell you, please don't think I'm crazy and throw me out?"

The Hokage lifts his eyebrow and calmly replies, "I promise to not throw you out and we'll see about that. Now proceed how you got lost."

With that, I poured out everything I know to him. From my world, to watching the Naruto show, to being sucked in a tornado, and waking up as my younger self in the middle of the forest. After I told him, the Hokage smoked his pipe and began to think deeply about this information.

After a moment of tortured silence, he said, "I believe you."

Not knowing what he said at first I began yapping, "Now I know I sound insane but... Wait, what did you say?!"

The Hokage chuckled, "I said I believe you. I'm glad that you told me the truth child because when you came in I noticed something peculiar about your chakra. I sensed that your chakra is not present but yet, I can still feel it there faintly. It's like it's hidden and locked up."

I stared at him shockingly with unblinking eyes and mouth agape.

'Me? Having actual chakra, SHUT. UP.! I mean I know ma has been telling me about how meditation and yoga can help you access your chakra but, that doesn't mean I do it.'

I soon snap out of it when the Hokage calls out my name.

"Now I know it's a lot to take in but, I will assure you that I will do everything in my power to help you find your chakra as well as giving you a living arrangement and allowance. But, in return, you must enroll in the academy." He seriously stated.

I blink and happily respond, "Oh, oh my god. Thank you so much Lord Hokage! It's a deal! I am willing to enroll in the academy and work harder than ever!"

Lord third smiled and nodded his head approvingly while grabbing a key from one of his drawers.

"Now, let's give you a tour of your apartment and the academy. Also, call me Gramps there's no need for formalities." He stated in a heartwarming manner.


After we settled our deal, we exited out of the building and proceed walking to the academy.

"I hope you don't mind having a hyperactive next-door neighbor. He is around your age and his name is Naruto Uzumaki." Gramps informed me.

'Naruto Uzumaki? Is my next-door neighbor? Sweet!'

I happily replied, "Uh no I don't mind. I'm glad that I have a neighbor who is around the same age as me." I close eyed smile at him.

Hokage's POV

I nod once saying "Good, hopefully you both befriend each other."

'Who knows, maybe she can be his first friend. She is special after all. I can sense it.'

We finally reach our destination and I pointed it out to Y/n.

"Here is the academy, this is where you will learn how to be a full-fledged ninja and hopefully find your chakra. Iruka should be able to help you with that." I informed her.

Back to you~

I nodded in understanding.

"That's great! I can't wait to meet him and everyone else." I exclaimed cheerfully.

Gramps chuckled humorously and turn around to the direction of the apartment.

"I also forgot to tell you to do another favor for me." He stated suddenly serious.

I look at him curiously and said, "Sure, what is it?"

He turns to me, eyes filled with authority, and to be honest, it intimidates me. I feel a shiver run down my spine without him knowing.

"I want you to not tell anyone about where you came from and your full knowledge about this world. Who knows what will happen when news spread around. They might kidnap you and use you for power or worse. Do you understand me?" He severely questions me.

Now fully understanding how important and dangerous this is, I nod and boldly state "Gramps, I will not tell a soul. You have my word."

Timeskip to the apartment

When we arrived at the apartment, Gramps turns to me and holds out the key to me. I grab it and smiled widely.

"Your room is on the left of Naruto's room. Oh, I almost forgot."

He reaches into his robe pocket and takes out a nice handful of money. Man, I wish my financial aid is that generous. He gave them to me and said, "You should also buy some clothes if I were you. Wouldn't want to catch any unwanted attention. As well as ninja gear for you to start tomorrow."

I look down at myself knowing he is right and blush in embarrassment. Gramps laugh a little and pats my head affectionately. Like how a grandfather treats their grand kid. I smiled warmly up at him.

'I'm gonna miss him when the chunin exam ends. Maybe I can stop it from happening.'

Gramps then tells me that he has to get back to his papers and went on his way. But, before he went out of my sight, he looks at me over his shoulder and wholeheartedly said, "Oh by the way, welcome to the Leaf Village Y/n."
A/N: All right! Here's the second chapter folks! I hope you guys enjoy it. Next chapter of seeing Naruto again is coming soon and I will see you folks on the flip side. Remember to stay healthy and be careful out there. Peace out.

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