New York's Team of Teenage Misfits.

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A/N: Tysm for 600 reads!! It really means a lot! This chapter will be quite a bit different from the movie, I wanted to change some stuff up a bit. :) on to the chapter!

"This is all that's left." Charlotte said while waving the mutagen around in the air.

"Little girl." Shredder muttered out. He then jumped out and landed right in front of Charlotte.

"That belongs to me."

Right after shredder said that, the top of the building started to fall, gaining everyone's attention.

Shredder had noticed that Charlotte was distracted, so he charged past Alexis and pushed Char off of the edge of the building, making her tumble to the city below.

She fell a few feet before making a chain of ice and hooking herself onto the building, which left her right in front of shredder. She tried pulling herself up but it was no use, she was stuck in this position until someone could help her. When she looked up at shredder, she noticed that,

1: He had somehow taken the mutagen from her hand as they were falling

And 2: He was pulling out a knife. Amazing.

Before anyone could react, he threw the knife at Charlotte's ice chain, and broke it in half. Charlotte lost her grip and plunged toward the ground below her.

"CHARLIE!" Raven screamed the top of her lungs.  She then gathered all of her courage, took out her wings, and jumped off of the edge of the building as well.

I knew that Char didn't have much time until she hit the ground, she was screaming at the top of her lungs and flailing her arms out towards me, I couldn't let her die. I have to save her. We were getting closer and closer to the city below us, we may not make it. Just before we could hit the ground, I managed to grab onto her hand. I flapped my wings and hooked my arms under Char's, making sure she didn't fall. After a while of gliding we landed safely into an alley with a manhole, where the other girls and the turtles were standing.

Everyone was relieved to see the two girls safe at the end of that encounter. Charlotte had a cut on her hand from when Shredder threw the knife at her, and some bruised ribs from when she got knocked off the building, but other than that she was perfectly fine.

"Are you girls alright?" Donnie asked with concern.

Raven nodded. "I'm quite amazing, how about you Charlie?"

Charlotte started to speak, but then held up a finger as if she was asking them to hold on. She then turned around and threw up all over the ground. Leo ran up and held back her hair with one hand while rubbing her back with the other.

"Char! Are you ok?!" Leo asked, clearly extremely worried about Charlotte.

She threw up once more before she answered.

"Yeah I'm good, just a little nauseous." She croaked out.

Leo sighed and carefully picked her up so he wouldn't make her stomach turn even more. He noticed she looked a bit dizzy, and was on the verge of passing out.

"Come on guys" he said while looking down at a sick Charlotte. "Let's head down to the lair."

Time skip to after the whole encounter with Master Splinter<3

The rest of the girls left the lair to go home and freshen up a bit, while Charlotte stayed behind at the lair to get checked out by Donnie. He bandaged up her hand and gave her some ice for her ribs. He also told her that she most likely threw up from nerves. She had fallen off of a skyscraper and almost hit the ground, so she was bound to have a bit of a nervous stomach after that. He suggested that she just rest up and relax for a couple of weeks. After he told her all of that, Leo offered to take Charlotte home and she gladly accepted. Once they got there, she invited him in. They sat down on her couch in silence for a few moments before she spoke up.

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