Alexis Kyle

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Alexis Kyle was born in London, England

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Alexis Kyle was born in London, England. Her father owned a little bakery and Alexis, her mother Emily, and her father Henry all had the perfect life. One tragic day when Alexis was 8 , her father was closing up his shop when someone came in and robbed him. In attempt to get rid of them, he tried to tackle one of the thieves. That was his fatal mistake. The other robber took out a gun and shot her father twice in the chest. Police informed Alexis and her mother of the murder the morning after and they were both devastated. Her father's killers were never caught. Alexis' mother became a junkie. Sleeping all day and going out drinking all night and leaving 8 year old Alexis to fend for herself. Because of this she was able to take care of herself at a very early age.

A year later on her 9th birthday some scary men in masks knocked on her door and asked for her mother. After Alexis went and woke up her mother she waited in the steps to try and listen to their conversation. After about 10 minutes of her mother talking to the masked men she went up to Alexis.

"Listen Alexis. You're not gonna be livin' with me anymore. These men over here are gonna be taking you to America to a lab where you're gonna stay for a while."

Alexis then starts to tear up.

"But mom, I don't know these men...what if they hurt me? I'm scared.."

Emily rolls her eyes.

"Listen I'm getting paid £15,000 for this! You're going whether you like it or not!"

Alexis starts to cry. She couldn't believe her own mother would just sell her! Her own mother! Her father would have never let this happen, she missed him so much.

As Alexis was deep in thought, her mother pulled her by the hair to the front door and shoved her to one of the masked men.

"Here she is, how fast can I get the money?"

One of the masked men speaks up.

"We can get it to you as soon as she gets to the lab."

Alexis starts to panic.

"A lab!? I don't wanna go to a lab! Please mother don't make me! I wanna stay here!"

Her mother glanced at her coldly and then looked at the men.

"Take her away."

Alexis screamed and kicked as the men dragged her to a van. She kept screaming until one of the men injected something into her neck. And then everything went black...


Alexis woke up in a very cold room. As she started to observe her surroundings she noticed she was laying on a bed with a hospital gown on.

I must be at the lab already.

As if on cue, a man walked in wearing a lab coat. He politely introduced himself.

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