Raven Willows

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Raven Willows was born and raised in the rougher part of New York City

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Raven Willows was born and raised in the rougher part of New York City. Her mother walked out on her when she was 2 so she was left alone with her alcoholic abusive father. There was barely ever a time when there wasn't a bruise on her body. She did well in school though. She made decent grades, but she wasn't exactly what you would call a "model student". Raven LOVED adventure. She would climb the highest trees in Central Park or draw on a random wall on a building. Anything to give her some sort of rush. Of course, her father never liked the fact that she was always away from the house having fun, but she never let him stop her. One night when Raven was 8 years old walking home from the park, someone grabbed her and put a cloth over her face. She tried kicking and screaming but it was no use. She was thrown into the back of a van and taken to a lab in New York City.

When she woke up she knew she wasn't at home. She tried to figure out if there was a way out. She tried banging on the door but it was bolted shut. There was no getting out of this. Just when she was about to start screaming, a man wearing a lab coat walked in.

"Hello little bird."

Raven was upset, she didn't like the fact she was being held here against her will.

"Let me go you sicko!"  she screamed as she tried to attack the man, but he only pushed her to the ground, making her hurt her ankle. He then started to laugh.

"Now Raven, don't get all feisty on me. We both know who would win in this situation."

Raven only looked down defeated.

The man smirked at her.

"I thought so."

The man lifted Raven up onto a bed and chained her to it.

"I know you're a fighter little bird, so I've made sure to take extra precautions."

He then proceeded to inject something into Raven's arm.

"That's just gonna knock you out for a little while so we can run some tests on you."

Raven tried to object but she was just too tired. She gave everything she could to not fall asleep, but all she could do was close her eyes and try to think of a way she could get out of this.


Raven had had numerous tests done on her. She was never allowed to leave her room. She was given a bowl of porridge and a cup of water a day, and if she was lucky she'd get an extra cup of water and MAYBE a cookie. But that was only if she was EXTREMELY well behaved.(Which barely EVER happened.)
Raven had also grown wings. Long black wings that dragged on the floor as she walked. They were way too big for her but she figured she'd eventually grow into them. The scientists never taught her how to use them. Only how to take them out, and bring them back in.

One night as she was sleeping (chained to the bed of course) she heard people screaming and running. She woke up and leaned over the try and see what was going on. What she saw was the lab on fire and the flames engulfing everything they touched.

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