Attack at the Lair

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"How'd she know his name?" Asks Leo

"Maybe she's clairvoyant?" Suggests Donnie

"Or maybe she's a Jedi!" Adds Mikey as he sips his orange crush

Charlotte just stares at the rat in awe.

"Come closer" says Splinter.

Charlotte walks forward and stands in front of him.

Splinter analyzes her closely before smiling. "You've always had your mother's eyes"

Charlotte smiles.

Abby then interrupts the moment. "Sorry to butt in or anything but, how is any of this possible? I mean, we may be mutants but we've never heard of mutant turtles before!"

Splinter then began to explain how Charlotte's parents injected mutagen into the turtles and him a long time ago, and that the mutagen is what gave them their amazing, strength, and speed. He also mentioned how Charlotte saved all of them from the fire.

"Wait, dad." Interrupts Leo "I thought you said we were saved from the fire by a great guardian spirit, a hogosha."

Splinter looks at her son and smiles at him. "You're right, this IS the hogosha."

The boys all bowed to Charlotte while Raven, Alexis, and Abby just stood there with their jaws dropped.

"Wait a minute now." Interrupts Raven "Charlotte, you saved the turtles from Sacks' lab?"

Charlotte just nodded at her.

"As in Eric Sacks?"

Charlotte noticed how Raven got pale as soon as she said his name ."Yeah, why is something wrong Ray?"

Just as Raven was about to say something, an alarm went off and Donnie went to go check out what it was.

Then Raven heard a beeping coming from a wall and she went to go listen to what it was. Soon enough she realized, there was a bomb.

She then started to make a run for it and the turtles rushed over to her.

"No guys! Stay back!!!!!!" Raven screamed. As soon as she said that a bomb went off knocking everyone off their feet.

A whole bunch of soldiers came in with guns. "They've got tranq darts!" Screams Donnie.

"Well don't let them hit your skin." Says Leo "Come on! Let's move!" The turtles then go in separate areas and start to fight.

The four girls spring into action helping out the turtles the best they can. Raven and Charlotte stuck with Raph and Leo while Alexis and Abby were fighting on their own.

Alexis was doing well, until she lost focus and got hit in the neck with a tranq dart. She tried staying awake but all she could do was just pass out and hope someone helps her.

Soon enough Abby runs over to see if she can help Alexis but she gets hit with a tranq dart as well and it knocks her out cold. Soon two soldiers picked up the girls and carried them out of the lair.

Charlotte and Raven are busy fighting, so they don't notice Abby and Alexis being taken.

After a while of fighting, a huge robot samurai looking thing steps in.

"Shredder..." mutters Master Splinter as he gets into a fighting stance.

Raven notices them start fighting and gets distracted. One foot soldier takes this to his advantage and shoots Raven straight in the neck with a tranq dart. However, it has no effect on her. She takes it out of her and throws it back at the soldier who shot it, knocking him out.

Charlotte notices master splinter starting to lose the fight so she decides to charge shredder and stab him with an icicle, but his suit was so strong that her ice did nothing to him.

"No charlotte!" Screams master splinter. He then wraps his tail around her and flings her out of the room.

Raven runs over and catches Charlotte before she falls down.

"You ok Charlie?" Asks Raven with worry.

Charlotte nods. "Yeah, nice catch."

Raven smiled at that.

Soon enough, Mikey, Leo, and Donnie notice master splinter losing so they rush over to his aid, but splinter just closes the gate so they can't get in.

Raven and Charlotte could only stay hidden and watch in horror as shredder repeatedly slammed splinter to the ground.

Soon enough Donnie got the gate open and they rushed over to Shredder who was holding up splinter by his robe.

"Drop your weapons." demands Shredder. "Or your father will die."

The brother all looked at each other for a second before dropping their weapons to the ground.

Raven and Charlotte let out a breath they didn't even know they were holding, but their relief was cut short after Shredder gave Splinter a final punch and threw him to the ground, and Donnie, Leo, and Mikey were shocked and forced to a van.

After the turtles are outside Shredder steps up to a soldier.

"Where are the last three?"

The soldier speaks up.

"The fourth turtle is dead"

Raven whimpered a little bit.

"And the other two girls are nowhere to be found."

Shedder let out a huff of frustration. "Destroy this place."

Raven let out her wings and covered herself and Charlotte from the falling debris. After everything is done falling they scan the area around them and see master splinter under a pile of rocks. Charlotte rushes over to him while Raven looks for Raph.

After searching through the lair Raven sees his shell from under a pile of rocks. She then moves all the boulders with ease and starts to shake Raph awake.

"Raph? Raph are you alright?"

Raph then let's out a groan and starts to stand up.

"Oh my god, you scared the shit out of me!" Raven says with a sigh of relief. "Come on we need to help master splinter!" Raven then grabs his hand and leads him to where master splinter is under the rocks.

Raph's eyes go wide as he runs up to master splinter and starts taking the rocks off of him.
"Sensei!" He says with worry. "Master..."

He finally gets all the rocks off and picks up splinter. "Let's get him to the needle room!" Raven follows Raph while Charlotte stays behind and dials a number.

"Come on Vern pick up...."

"Vern Fenwick speaking."

"Vern! Listen can you please meet me in the alley by the old laundromat please?"

"Richards why-"

"I don't have time to explain over the phone Vern just promise me you're gonna be there!"

"But you called me-"

Charlotte hung up the phone and prayed that Vern would be there. She then saw a tracker beep on one of Donnie's monitors and noticed that they were near the sacks estate. So that had to be where they were headed. She was then interrupted from her thoughts when Raven and Raph ran into the room. Raph picked up his brothers' weapons and stuck them onto the back of his shell while Raven ran up to Charlotte.

"Hey Charlie, did you find out where they are yet?"

Charlotte only nodded in reply.

"Well? Where is it?"

Charlotte then took a deep breath in. "The Sacks estate."

Raven freezes for a moment. She's then interrupted from her thoughts by Raph.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go save my brothers."


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