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Once everyone got outside Donnie started scanning the area.

"Get us out of here Donnie!" Pressured Leo

After looking through his fancy high tech glasses he froze while looking at the soldiers.

"Oh my gosh they have guns!" Donnie squealed in a high pitch voice.

The soldiers opened fire on them and the turtles rushed to cover Vern and the girls.

After a little bit Raven ran from the turtles' cover and faced the soldiers.

Raph looked at her wide- eyed.

"Raven! What the hell are ya-"

He was then interrupted by a scream. Raven screamed at the soldiers and it wiped all of them out sending them flying. (Example up above)

After she was done knocking out the soldiers she passed out, but luckily Raph caught her before she could hit the ground.

"What the..." said Alexis

"Woah." Raph sighed out while carrying Raven bridal style.

Leo was a bit stunned but he never forgot his original objective.

"Vern can you drive that truck?" He asked while pointing at an 18 wheeler.


"Alright. Raph, grab Raven and get in the truck."

Raph grunted as he picked up Raven and carried her into the back of the truck and set her down on his lap. Mikey got on top of the truck while Donnie and Alexis got beside Raph while Leo and Abby sat in front of them. Charlotte got in the front with Vern and they started to drive off.

As they're driving off Abby notices that 3 cars are driving after them.

"Uh guys? We might wanna go a bit faster!!" Abby shrieks out after seeing the cars in high pursuit after them.

The truck continues to speed around the mountain and just as they thought they were safe, a missile launches at them, but Vern swerves the truck and it only hits the side. When Vern swerved, Leo got pushed out of the back of the truck.

Just as they had a moment to rest more cars pull up.

"Vern go!!!" Charlotte screams as she sees more cars pull up with guns.

Vern starts the truck again and tries to drive off, but instead they start rolling backwards off of the mountain.

"Oh no wrong way!" Shrieks Vern

Once the car started rolling backwards, Donnie poked his head out the back and saw Leo in the trucks course.

"Leo! Move!" Screams Donnie

Leo almost got ran over, but he managed to dodge the truck before it could run him over.

Inside the back of the truck, Raven was starting to wake up a bit and Raph was keeping a close eye on her while talking to Donnie.

"How far off course are we?" Asked Raph

"Actually we're on a bit of a short cut but we need to keep going down, straight down!"

The Misfitted Mutants (TMNT 2014)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora