We Meet Again

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- 15 minutes later -

"Wait guys I think she's waking up!" Exclaims Abby.

"Come on guys give her some air!" says Donnie. "Hello ma'am? Do you know what city you're in?" He asks while snapping his fingers in her face.

"Wh-What are you guys?" Asks Charlotte once she's fully awake.

"Well, we're ninjas." Says Leo

"We're mutants." Adds Raph

"Well, technically we're turtles" says Donnie in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh AND we're teenagers. But we can still have adult conversations." He says while looking at Abby.

"Is that so?" Abby asks while giggling and blushing.

Alexis looked at Abby with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" Asks Abby

"Oh nothing." Alexis says with a smile

"Wait, so you guys are ninja mutant turtle teenagers?" Asks Charlotte

"Well when you put it that way it sounds kinda stupid." Says Donnie

"I guess you have a point." Adds Charlotte

"Hey guys if we wanna make it home before Splinter we gotta hustle." Says Donnie.

The boys nod at each other and then also takes a step towards the girls.

"Look, if you tell anybody about this we WILL find you guys." He then says the girls names while looking at them separately.

"Charlotte Richards, Alexis Kyle, Abigail Snow, and Raven Willows."

"How'd you guys figure out our names?" Asks Raven.

"Wouldn't you like to know short stuff?" says Raph with a smirk.

"Hey! I'm not even that shor-"

"Come on Raph!" Calls Leo

Raph then takes one last look at Raven and then takes off leaping from building to building.

Raven looks out at him with a smile on her face.

"Ooooh Ray has a crush on Raph-"

Raven then cuts Abby off. "SHUT UP! Don't think I didn't see you and Mikey flirting it up!

Abby just smiles and blushes.

"You two are delusional!" Adds Alexis

"You aren't safe either smarty pants. I saw you staring at Donnie back there!" Raven says with a smirk.

"W-What? I don't know what you're talking about!" Says Alexis while furiously blushing

While the girls are talking about that, Charlotte is wondering about where she's heard those names before. They all sounded so familiar.

"Uh, girls I'm gonna head home, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow." Says Charlotte

"Ok Char, let us know when you figure out where the names came from." Says Alexis

Charlotte smiles and climbs down the ladder and starts making her way home while the other girls do the same.

-Time skip, 24 hours!-

Raven, Alexis, and Abby were all hanging out at Ravens apartment when Charlotte busted in.

"What the- Charlie?" Asks Raven "I told you that key was only for emergencies!"

"I got fired today." Says Charlotte

"What? Why-"

Raven was then cut off by Alexis. "YOU TRIED TO TELL HER ABOUT THE TURTLES!?!?"

Abby looked at Charlotte. "That so not cool Char."

Raven just looked at her and shook her head.

"But guys I figured out where I remember the names from!" Charlotte says with excitement.

"Really? Where?" Asks Abby

"So when I was younger I had these pet turtles that my mom would experiment on and inject mutagen into! Maybe the mutagen made them mutant turtles but all the mutagen did to us was give us powers!" Exclaims Charlotte

"Wait hold up," says Raven "We could've been mutant animals?"

"Well technically Raven you're sort of a mutant animal, you do have wings after all." Says Alexis

"I guess you have a point." Says Raven

All of a sudden Alexis' laptop lights up.

"You've been hacked! By Donatello!" Donnie exclaims through the computer. "Come to this location or ...you will be punished.!" The computer then shut off.

"Well that was something." Says Raven

"We should go!" Says Charlotte "isn't that the same place we met yesterday?"

"It is." Says Alexis "shall we go?"

Abby nods excitedly and opens a portal. The girls all step in and head back to the building.

The girls get to the rooftop and notice that nobody else is there.

"Looks like we're early." Says Alexis.

Just as she said that 4 large figures land in front of them. Charlotte is startled and jumps back a bit, Alexis heard them coming and smiled at Donnie, Abby was excited and ran and gave Mikey a hug (which he gladly returned) and Raven just smirked at Raph.

Donnie suddenly puts his fancy glasses on. "Initiating retinal scan... its them!"

Leo walks up to Charlotte and wraps an arm around her, making her blush. "Of course it's them. Now ladies you may be wondering why we called you up here-"

He was then suddenly cut off by Alexis.

"You want us to meet your sensei?"

Leo was a bit baffled. "H-How'd you know that?" He asked with confusion in his voice.

"She can read minds." Says Raven

Donnie was super impressed and looked at Alexis. "You're a mind reader? No way... what am I thinking right now?"

Alexis giggles a bit and then blushes. "She looks adorable in those glasses."

Donnie blushes furiously and then Alexis adds on.

"Wait, I didn't mean for her to hear that!"

That makes his brothers laugh a little.

"That's...very impressive." Donnie says with a smile.

"Do you all have powers?" Asks Raph

"We can figure it out when we get to the lair." Says Leo. "Let's start heading there now."

Leo then picks up Charlotte bridal style while Donnie takes Alexis and Mikey takes Abby. Raph then looks at Raven with a smirk.

"Looks like you're with me short stuff."

Raven jumps in his arms and looks up at him with a smile.

"Lead the way big red."

                  ✨✨End of chapter✨✨
✨✨Next up- Show us what you've got✨✨

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