Show Us What You've Got

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The turtles were currently jumping from rooftop to rooftop headed in the direction of the lair. Abby and Raven squealed in excitement, while Alexis and Charlotte were trying to focus on something other than dying.

"So how far is your place?" Charlotte asks while clinging onto Leo for dear life.

Leo laughs a little bit. "Not too far Charlie."

Raven giggles and looks in the direction of Charlotte. "Why would you ever wanna be on the ground? This is so damn cool!"

Charlotte sent Raven a glare. "You can't talk! You have wings! You're used to flying and stuff, I've never even been on a real roller-coaster!"

Raven chuckles and looks over at Alexis. "How about you Smarty Pants? You doin' ok?"

Alexis groans and peeks at Raven. "Well, I haven't fainted yet so I guess that's a good sign."

Suddenly they jump off a building and drop to the ground at a very fast speed. Raven, Abby, and Alexis shriek in surprise, while Charlotte looks like she's gonna puke. Leo notices this and decides to say something.

"Uh, Charlie? You ok?"

Charlotte swallows hard and responds. "Y-Yeah, never better." Shen then closes her eyes in attempt to sooth her nerves.

"What's up with her?" Questions Raph

"Char is afraid of heights and gets pretty motion sick. I'm surprised she hasn't puked yet to be honest." Explains Abby

Raph simply nods and carries on to their voyage to the lair.

One they get inside, the boys place the girls on the ground in the main living area.

"Are we on the ground yet?" asks Charlotte while covering her eyes with her hands.

Leo chuckles and removes Charlotte's hands from her face. "Yes Charlie we're on the ground."

Raven sniffs around a little bit and grimaces. "Are we in a sewer?"

The boys look at her sheepishly. "Yeah we're in a sewer." Says Donnie

"Cool" Raven says while looking around.

"So why'd you guys bring us here?" Asks Abby

"Well we wanted you to meet our sensei, but he seems to be meditating right now." Says Leo

"Hey I have an idea!" Exclaims Mikey

"What is it?" Asks Alexis

"How about while we wait, you guys can show us your powers?" Mikey asks with a hopeful smile.

"Sure, sounds fun!" Exclaims Raven

"Ooh! Ooh! Me first!" Screams Abby

"Alright, go ahead Abby." Says Leo

Abby then opens her palms and suddenly pink electricity swirls around her fingertips. After focusing for a little while she pushes her palms out and releases a lightning bolt. The lightning bolt opens a swirling portal of pink energy and she jumps into it. The portal then closes right behind her.

"Where'd she go?" Asks Mikey

Just as he asks that, the same portal opens back up and Abby jumps out of it.

"I'm back!" She announces with jazz hands.

"That's so cool!" Exclaims Mikey

"And that's not even it." Raven states with a smirk
"Hey Abs! Heads up!" She then takes a dagger from the wall and throws it at Abby with extreme precision, but Abby uses a force-field to block it from her face.

The Misfitted Mutants (TMNT 2014)Where stories live. Discover now