Fun facts!

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-Charlotte is amazing at violin
-Has a cat
-Loves the show 'Client List'
-Favorite food is Sushi
-Favorite color is white
-Favorite artist is Adele
-Amazing at art, she just never draws anything
-She hates being called a "dumb blonde" or when someone asks her if she's having a "blonde moment" . Those comments enrage her.
-Had braves until she was 16
-secretly still watches Peppa Pig

-Does illegal street fights
-She loves spray painting buildings, she's being doing it since she was 7 and she never stopped
-Hates it when people underestimate her because of her height
-She's a really great singer, she's just never told anybody about it
-Used to be a complete Anime nerd, but she grew out of it
-She's a great dancer, she took lessons for 8 years
-is a fan of Eminem
-She loves kids
-She's really good at gymnastics (Cartwheels, back handspring springs, etc...) but never told anyone. She only uses it in fights
-almost always wears the color black
-She'll eat pretty much any sour candy
-She's never broken a bone
-She could knock out all of her fighting opponents with one punch, but she reduces her strength to make things more interesting
-She has another power which wasn't mentioned yet. (But it will be next chapter😉)
-she's makes pretty good money as a fighter, considering people always lose their bets because they underestimate her all the time

-Is a total cat person
-she gets headaches a lot, she gets stressed a lot
-She knows how to play the harp
-she owns cat ear headphones
-she occasionally does fortnite twitch streams, and she gets about 1k views per video
-she can do VERY complex occasions in her head, but she never tells anyone because she hates boasting
-her favorite color is olive green, it makes her calm
-she loves almost all Mexican food
-she hates her accent, she feels like it makes her sound dumb
-she's very self conscious
-she doesn't always read everyone's mind, she gives people their privacy...for the most part

-She can hit very impressive whistle notes😉
-she's a total dog person
-she's AMAZING at skateboarding
-she sometimes gets made fun of because of her fashion sense, but she never really cared too much
-She skipped kindergarten
-she's pretty decent at math (but not even close to Alexis
-she originally wanted to be an actress, but singing made her happier
-has had a pretty good number of boyfriends, but they all thought she was too childish
-she hates winter
-always has at least 4 lipglosses with her at all times
-absolutely adores babies
-she wants at least 3 kids of her own
-favorite color is pink
-doesn't have a drivers license (she never passed the test)

The Misfitted Mutants (TMNT 2014)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz