Battle at Sacks Tower

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(400 reads???? TYSM!🥺🥺🥺 Be sure to read Misfits!!! The imagines book for more of our lovely couples in this story😉) Also, I know this isn't EXACTLY what happened in the movie, but I wanted to change up the scene a little bit so we can give our girls more time to shine. Onto the next chapter!!

Abby, Raven, and the turtles were currently on their way to the elevator. Although they weren't showing it, the girls were terrified. This is the entire city that's at stake! One mistake could mean the city they grew up in, their home, could be gone forever. They couldn't mess this up. Not this time. After about 15 seconds of running, they reached a hallway.

"Alright guys, if we stick to my plan we can't lose. Fan out in 3, 2, 1.."

Everyone froze as they saw about 100 foot soldiers in what seemed like a weaponry room. There was a thick tension hanging in the air as they all had a staring contest. After about 5 seconds of silence, the soldiers charged at them and opened fire, but before the bullets could reach them, Abby created a pink forcefield and deflected all of the bullets. Soon enough, Donnie got the door closed. And taking a deep breath he spoke up.

"Not the elevator."

Leo shook his head. "Nope."

Raven spoke as well. "Definitely not."

After that whole confrontation, they all eventually found the elevator and filed in. Raven nudged Abby's shoulder and pointed to the "no weapons allowed" sign on the wall and they both snickered quietly. After a little bit of awkward silence, Mikey started to tap a rhythm on his nunchucks. Soon after that Raven and Abby joined in creating a rhythm tapping their feet. After a short amount of time they were all dancing and beatboxing in the tiny elevator. Soon enough, the elevator dinged and they all charged out of the elevator screaming a battle cry.

Once they got up, they all saw shredder standing at some sort of monitor. When he noticed the mutants he turned around and faced them.

"Ready? Stance!" Asserted Leo

All of the boys stood in position while Abby and Raven just looked confused.

"What does stance mean?" Asked Abby

Raven shrugged. "I dunno. Stand in a fighting pose while breathing heavily with an intense glare?"

Abby nodded. "Let's try that!"

Raven took out her wings and got into a boxing position while Abby stood tall while pink lightning flickered on her fingertips.

After about 5 seconds of their stance, Raph spoke up.

"Aye Mikey, remember that thing you used to say when we were kids?"

Raven looked over at them and raised an eyebrow.

Mikey was still in his position. "You made me promise not to say it again!-"

"Forget that." Interrupted Raph "Still got one in the tank?"

Mikey smiled. "I've been holding it in for years."

Leo then tried to interfere. "Wait guys we need a plan-" but he was then interrupted by a loud


Raph, Mikey, and Donnie charged at shredder and were almost instantly knocked down.

After they were kicked down Leo decided to give it a shot, but that didn't go too well either.

The boys got back up and fought with all they had, but they were still knocked off the edge of the building. Raven and Abby peered over the edge to make sure they were ok, but then they turned around and noticed Shredder getting his knives ready.

Raven looked at Abby with a concerned look on her face.

"What are we supposed to do now?"

Abby sighs and let's her hair turn white. "Well I guess it's time for some girl power. Ready Ray?"

Raven smiled and cracked her knuckles.


With a loud battle cry, both of the girls charged at Shredder with full force.

Abby threw a lightning bolt at Shredder, stunning him for a second. Raven took this opportunity to roundhouse kick him on the side of his helmet. Sadly, this hurt her more than it hurt him.

"OW!" Raven hissed at the pain in her leg and hopped on one foot.

Even though it hurt Raven, Shredder was still taken aback by her kick, and stumbled towards the edge of the building.

"Abby!" Raven called out. "Finish him!"

Abby then used all of her strength to create a huge lightning bolt and zapped Shredder off the edge of the building.

"Yes!" Cheered Raven

Abby ran over and helped Raven up, and then then they pulled the boys up on top of the building.

Once they all gained their composure, Leo spoke up.

"Donnie you need to de activate the toxin!"

Donnie nodded and ran over to the screen to try and shut it off. What the mutants didn't notice was Shredder coming over the edge of the building, and has a knife aimed right at Abby's head.

Charlotte and Alexis run up to the rooftop with the mutagen, and see the scene unfold. Just before Alexis could do anything about it, Charlotte screamed out,


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