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As hazy as the sun, your lifeless eyes wandered through the outside of the big castle. Your ears rung from the words a Kira Judge had told the court.

"After committing such crime and losing your ability to use magic, you'll be serving the Nobles and I have chosen the house of the Vermillion's"

"Since you were a noble yourself, take this as a kind consideration of not wasting your life" he declared as you just stood there, numb.

You snapped back to reality when you were met with two children about your age. You bowed at them as Theresa, the two Vermillion's instructor introduced you.

"This is (Y/n), she will be serving you two" the woman explained.

"This is Fuegoleon and Mereoleona Vermillion, please be acquainted. I'm afraid I have to leave you to that, errands are waiting" Theresa excused herself and you were left there standing between the two.

"Huhhhh??? A servant? You're too young to be one!" The female exclaimed as blinked your eyes.

"She's oddly quiet too!" She retorted and sighed. Her brother seemed to be thinking and observing you.

"Can you speak?" He asked as you shook your head a 'no'.

"That explains it" he confirms.

"I need to train, Fueggy, I'll leave her to you" Mereoleona said while leaving off to a place to train. She's definitely a wild one and you wished that you can be like that too.

"Pleas stay here" the boy named Fuegoleon ordered nicely as you bowed. He was visible uncomfortable with your bows but he left you only to return with a large writing material and a pen.

"Can you write?" He asked and you nodded. He handed you the materials and smiled generously, "Now we can communicate" he said.

You jotted down words that said, "Thankyou, Fuegoleon-sama" . He was unaccustomed to the honorifics you've given him.

"You can call me by my given name" he said as you refused. You don't want to disappoint anybody again that's why you need to be a good servant.

"How old are you?" He asked , confused as to why you were a servant but he didn't want to pry into personal stuff.

"I'm 10 years old" you wrote down and his eyes lit up. "I suppose we're at the same age" he smiled and you somehow felt a warm feeling. Was it the Vermillion's natural warmth? Perhaps.

"Is there anything for you to do today, Fuegoleon-sama?" You wrote down and showed it to your young master. He shooked his head and replied.

"It seems like today is a free day." You nodded lifelessly as he noticed your gestures. It didn't sit right with the young Vermillion, something about you screams that you needed justice.

"Your eyes... They seem lifeless. Why is that so?" He asked, wanting to help you but you only tightened your grasp at the notebook and looked away.

"I apologize for my sudden question" he said, trying not to offend you more than he should have. You were a mystery to him and you're as fragile and a glass.

He was motivated to know who you truly are and why are you like this. The only thought in your mind repeats, 'Please leave me alone. I'm nothing but a monster'

"One day.." he started which caught your attention.

"One day I'll bring justice to this world"

"One day I'll save people who needs it the most, people with broken hearts and souls, people who were thrown in the dark.." he trailed off.

"Perhaps one day I could save you too" he said and your eyes widened, your eyes reflected the shine his eyes as the wind swayed as if it was all scripted.

'That's nonsense. You could never change this world, you could never save me because justice was right. I'm guilty' you thought but something inside you changed.

You believed. You believe the words this fiery haired man had told you. You were holding onto it as your comfort and perhaps you were actually waiting for the day where he'll save you.

"Pardon me" he said and grabbed your hand. He ran to the high grounds as you stopped and saw a fantastic view of the setting sun. Oddly, the orange hues reminds you of Fuegoleon.

"Amazing isn't it? The sun sets only to bring darkness but after that darkness comes a new beginning" he said and you felt those words struck your heart.

Perhaps being a servant to the Vermillion's isn't bad or maybe you were just holding on to a young boy's dream. You slightly smiled and decided to enjoy the view, little did you know that the boy beside you slightly widened his eyes with surprised.

It isn't much but atleast you've smiled even just a little. He knew you weren't completely swallowed by the dark. Soon he'll find a good friendship between you two. It's undeniable.

"I don't want you to serve me as your master" he said.

"I want you to be my friend" he continued as you were caught by surprise again. You breathed in and and nodded as you write.

"Friends it is, Fuegoleon-sama" you showed him the notebook as he nervously chuckled at the honorifics. You weren't going to get rid of that soon and he knows it.

"Ehhh am I interrupting a moment?" Mereoleona asked as you and Fuegoleon got startled. You bowed your head at the female Vermillion and she took out her hand.

"It's not fair if you're going to be friends with my brother and not me" she said.

"Friends?" She asked and you nodded and took her hand for a shake.

This day was the day where you've grown into the young Vermillions but you need to be careful with falling inlove. You shouldn't. You won't.

Because if you did...

You'll regret it for the rest of your life.

The lady named Theresa called for you and the two royals. You left to get acquainted to the Vermillion household and swore to yourself to become a loyal servant since it's the least you can do.


Welp, this chapter sucks but oh well—
It'll get better I swear—

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒔 {Fuegoleon x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now