Thirty One.

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It was disappointing to go to bed and wake up without Justin next to me. I guess he'd woken up early to start working because his side of the bed looked liked he'd slept here last night.

I found a note on his pillow that said that he'd gone off to work. Bummer, I was going to spend the day alone. Doing what?

I rolled out of bed and went to wash my face and brush my teeth. I then went to the kitchen and found Catherine unpacking some groceries.

"Good morning, Catherine." I greeted her warmly.

She smiled at me.

"Miss Banks."

I smiled back at her.

"What would you like for breakfast, ma'am?" She asked.

"Uh... Just some cereal please. But I'll get it myself, it's alright. You can continue unpacking the groceries."

"Are you sure? I really don't mind."

"I'm sure. Where is everything?"

Catherine kindly showed me where I'd find a bowl and spoon and she showed me a range of cereal to choose from.

Justin was a really healthy guy, if you ask me. Lots of all brans and corn flakes, nothing chocolatey or colourful like Froot loops or Coco pops.

I went with a bowl of corn flakes and I made myself a cup of coffee. I sat in the living room to give Catherine some working space and I watched some TV as I ate.

I made a mental note to call Ms Jones soon.

I washed up after myself then went to, what was, my bedroom to find something to wear. I found that, on the bed, Catherine had left my clothes that I'd given to her to wash. They were neatly folded and looked so comfortable, I decided I'd wear one of my sweaters with a pair of leggings.

After a good shower, I examined my body in the mirror. I found that my bruises were healing, slowly. I was still dark blue and purple on some parts of my body but at least it was all fading. I no longer felt pain in my body so that was good. My face was looking better too and my lip was healed. I could hardly recognize myself. Weeks ago, I knew myself as heavily bruised or heavily made up; there were no in betweens. Now...

I gently ran my hand over my face and took in my appearance as my emotions started welling up.

"Miss Banks." I heard Catherine call.

I sniffled and wiped my falling tears.

"Y-Yes, Catherine." I shouted back.

"Mr Bieber's on the phone. He'd like to talk with you." She said.

"Give me a minute."

I looked around the bathroom and found a bathrobe that I quickly slipped on.

I walked out of the bedroom and found that Catherine was patiently waiting for me in the corridor with a phone in her hand. She smiled and handed it to me before walking down the stairs.

I put the phone to my ear and walked into my bedroom.

"Hello?" I said.

"You sound out of breath. Did you go jogging?" He said, and I could sense him smiling.

I blushed.

"I was in the bathroom when Catherine called. I didn't want to keep you waiting." I said.

"It's alright. I just wanted to check on you. I was called in this morning for an emergency meeting. I didn't want to wake you."

"Oh. Are you going to be working all day?"

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