Thirty Six.

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Justin had become very busy through the course of the week. He spent most of his days in his study and some days at the office. I missed him, but his iPod did a great job at keeping me entertained.

Catherine had made me some lunch and I ate quietly as I listened to Justin's music.

He had a youthful music collection, one that didn't seem to suit him much because of the work he did.

Catherine came down the stairs from giving Justin his food, as he'd requested. She smiled at me and opened her mouth to speak.

I pulled Justin's earphones out, exiting a soothing world of music, and I smiled at Catherine.

"Mr Bieber would like to see you in his study." She said.

"Oh. Thank you, Catherine." I got up.

"Are you done eating, ma'am?"

"No. I'll come back and finish off."

Catherine nodded and I left the kitchen for Justin's study.

Justin was chewing his food while typing away on his laptop. His hair was messy, like he'd run his fingers through it a lot. He wore a pastel yellow sweater, Polo, and a white shirt underneath, the top button undone. He looked heavenly.

"Justin." I said softly, not wanting to disturb even though he asked to see me.

He looked up from his silver Apple laptop and he smiled at me.

Behind the smile, I could tell that he was stressed or perhaps worried and that made my smile fade slightly.

"Come in and have a seat, babe." He said.

I blushed.

I don't think I'd ever get used to him calling me things like 'baby' or 'sweetheart'.

I took a seat opposite him at his desk and studied his face.

"Did you get enough sleep last night?" I frowned.

Justin looked tired.

He smiled at me.

"I did. I've just been in here too long, that's all."

"You should sleep early tonight."

"I will."

I smiled slightly.

"Why did you want to see me?"

"Well... I need to leave Miami for two days. I have a meeting in New York with some of the company's very loyal clients."

"New York." I frowned.

I hated the sound of it just because I could only think of Randy when I said it.

"I'll be okay." He assured me.

"Can't you meet these clients elsewhere, Justin? I mean..."

"I know what you're worried about. Lewis is coming with me."

"What about me?"

"McKenzie is coming to stay for those two days. He'll also drive you around if you want to go out or something."

Who on earth was McKenzie?

"My security." Justin answered my unspoken question. "He usually protects from a distance but I asked him to come through."

I frowned.

Being with strangers for two days. Two days of no Justin. Two days of boredom.

"I can't sleep when I'm alone." I reminded Justin.

He frowned and I realised that maybe I was sounding a little like a spoilt brat.

"You can listen to my music all night while I'm away." He said.

I fiddled with his iPod then placed it on his desk.

"You're going to need it. For relaxation." I said softly.

Justin looked at me then reached over to his drawer and pulled out a white box. He handed it to me then waited for me to open it.

Inside was a cellphone. An iPhone, to be exact. It looked much like his.

I looked at him, my eyes wide.

"You need a phone because you threw yours away and I want to be able to text you when I get bored in meetings." Justin said.

"But an iPhone?"

This had to be the most expensive gadget I'd ever gotten as a gift.

"All the songs on my iPod are on your phone now. You can delete whichever you dislike." Justin said.

"Thank you." I said after a moment.

"When I get back, you can maybe tell me what your favourite song is." Justin said, a small smile on his lips.

"Two days should be enough to find a favourite song. " I said.

"I'm going to miss you." He smiled a little more than before.

"When do you go?"

"Tomorrow morning. You might still be asleep."

I nodded.

Justin looked at me.

I put on a smile.

"Please be careful tomorrow?" I pleaded.

Justin reached over and opened his hands. I placed my new phone on my lap and placed my hands in his.

"I'll be okay, Dileah. I'll come back in one piece. I promise."

I nodded my head slightly as I bit my lip.

"Do you have any more work to do?" I asked.

Justin furrowed his eyebrows but he shook his head anyway.

"Bubble bath?" I smiled. "I want to. With you."

Justin smiled too.

"Are you trying to get me to change my mind about leaving tomorrow, Miss Banks?"


"You're full of surprises, do you know that?"

I giggled.

"I just want to spend the rest of the day with you. That's all."

Justin chuckled and rose to his feet.

"Well, we don't have many hours left of the rest of the day so we should get to it."

"Gee, you're eager." I teased.

Justin smiled.

"I don't think I've ever been this excited about a bubble bath."

I giggled and got up.

Justin took my hand and we walked to his bathroom.

I was going to miss him but I reminded myself that it was only for two days. For the rest of the day, I wanted to smile and laugh with Justin. Two days wouldn't kill us.

Justin sat between my legs in the tub as I gave him a massage.

I was hoping he'd think of this moment while away.

I was happy that I was finding my confidence around him. It was making him smile and I knew that I was doing good. Compared to him, I was obviously out of shape but, he'd told me enough times already that I was beautiful, just as we sat in here. That was more compliments than I'd ever gotten, ever. That was why I felt myself fall for Justin even more.

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