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This chapter is dedicated to blxckbiebs who I've asked to make a cover for another one of my books- she's really talented

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Over the last few days, I felt that I'd recovered really well from my days with Randy. I didn't need to take 20 minute showers anymore but I did. Not because I felt filthy or anything, but because I was used to them and they put me at ease.

I had to be at ease now because I was going out with Justin. Gosh, I felt so nervous. He was perfect in so many ways and here I was: basic.

'And bruised.'

I stood at the basin, towel wrapped around my body, and I brushed my teeth.

Justin was in the living room. I made him promise not to step into the bedroom until I was done. So far, I'd been in the bathroom for half an hour. I still had to get dressed, do my hair and makeup then I'd be ready.

The idea of being out with Justin on our imaginary prom made me very nervous but giddy on the inside at the same time. I started wondering what he looked like. This all felt so formal and a formal Justin was intimidating yet really hot and I prayed that I could keep my balance in those heels he got me.

I cautiously stepped out of the bathroom and went to find my lotion in my bag so I could start getting ready.

Justin had so kindly laid my dress on the bed and placed the heels there too. These weren't there when I went to shower so I knew he'd come in here for something.

I slipped on my best underwear then I started straightening my hair.

I hadn't straightened it in ages, mainly because I never had time to before. My hair wasn't long and I liked it curly but tonight was special, I thought. My first time at an Italian restaurant that required us to look polished. I had to make an effort.

I slipped into the dress and admired it in the full length mirrors that were the doors of the suite's bedroom closet. It looked amazing: figure-hugging, expensive, perfect. I didn't even recognize myself for a moment, from the neck down, of course.

'Don't keep the man waiting!' My inner voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I rushed to the bathroom and did my makeup: foundation to hide my bruises, eyeliner, mascara and a bit of eye shadow to bring my eyes out... Red lipstick. I remembered to put on my perfume too and I slipped into my heels and went to take another look at myself.

I felt beautiful for the first time and that brought tears to my eyes.

Justin knocked on the bedroom door and I quickly but carefully wiped my tears.

"Come in." I croaked as I headed to the bathroom to touch up on my makeup.

"You still alive in here, Dileah?" Justin asked.

I chuckled and stepped out of the bathroom.

"I'm fine." I said.

Justin gaped at me.

He looked really handsome in his fitted suite. He didn't have a tie on though. The top buttons of his shirt were open and I found that attractive.

I sniffled and stood in place, wondering if I'd overdone it with the hair and makeup.

I awkwardly fiddled with my fingers as I looked at him.

A smile spread across his face. He'd collected himself and that put me at ease.

"You look breathtakingly beautiful." He said to me.

There goes my heart.

My breath hitched but I refused to cry again.

I blushed.

I'd never been complimented like that. I doubt that even a drunk guy would view me as 'breathtakingly beautiful'.

"Have you been crying?" He asked me softly.

"Sorry," I chuckled lightly. "I overwhelmed myself."

He smiled.

"I haven't straightened my hair in ages. O-or worn makeup like this. Lipstick this red and... Stuff." I stuttered.

I doubted I looked as good as Kelly the supermodel but I felt pretty and that's all that mattered; Justin thought so too.

"That dress looks really good on you, Dileah. And your hair, and your makeup... flawless. Not that you need it." Justin said.

I blushed some more.

'What a FRIEND you got yourself, Dileah.'

"We should get going. We have reservations." Justin smiled.

Reservations. So formal.

Justin held out his hand for me and I placed mine in his.

We turned heads as we walked out the hotel and it was honestly an uncomfortable feeling, one I had to get used to, I figured. Usually I turned heads for being the cleaner that wore way too much makeup but tonight, I turned heads for a different reason. I didn't want the reason to be Justin but I guess it was.

Lewis was waiting for us outside and he gave me a warm smile before opening the door of the Mercedes for Justin and I.

"Put on your seat belt please, Dileah." Justin said to me once the car started moving.

I blushed and buckled up.

I felt awkward. So awkward, I squeezed myself in the corner, keeping distance between myself and Justin.

Justin was watching me, I could see from the corner of my eye. He had an amused look on his face and it made me blush.

"Trying to shrink yourself so you can fit into that corner, huh?" He said.

I blushed.

"I don't bite, Dileah. Not so long ago, you were able to sleep with your head on my shoulder. Tonight, you're petrified?"

He was trying not to smile.

I moved a bit, to get comfortable.

"That's all?"

I blushed and moved again.

Justin smiled.

"Happy?" I asked him.

He moved a bit closer so there was less than a foot of space between us.

"Happy." He said, looking ahead, a smile on his lips.


I forgot to mention this! Y'all remember that cute girl from Kendrick Lamar's Poetic Justice video (Brittany Sky)? I've chosen her to play Dileah in this story 😍 she still gives me life tbh

Thanks for your votes and comments- for showing this book love ❤ welcome to all my new readers and welcome back to my old, loyal readers who've been begging me to bring this book back. I apologise again for deleting it 🙈 I'm falling in love with this story all over again because of all of you

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