Thirty Eight.

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At 8am I was up and ready for the day. Justin was returning today, at around 6pm, he told me. There was so much I wanted to do and cooking was one of them.

Catherine had given me a list of groceries that I had to pick up so I could make Justin one of his favourite Italian dishes: chicken piccata with linguine.

As McKenzie drove me to the grocery store, I hoped that Justin would be pleased with my interest in Italian food.

"Uh, McKenzie?" I said softly as we waited in traffic.

He looked at me through the rear view mirror.


"Could you please turn the radio on?" I smiled.

He gave me a single nod then turned on the radio.

The car was awfully quiet.

McKenzie looked a bit scary to me. His buzzcut hair made it look as if he was always in a rush-- no time to sort his hair out in the mornings. He had striking blue eyes that intimidated me as well, not to mention that scar on his cheek.

I let the voice of Dido let my mind wander. I'd heard this song before, I thought. My mom may have played it a few times. 'White flag', it was called.

We finally got to the grocery store and as I headed in, McKenzie patiently waited in the car for me (though I wasn't sure if he was supposed to just wait outside for me).

I took my time picking up everything I needed. I hadn't visited a grocery store in a while and I actually loved it: the smell, the cool air, the soft music, the slight chaos of everyone in a hurry to get out of here quickly... I knew that if I didn't take in the feeling of being here in this moment, I wouldn't be able to take it in any time soon because of Mr Overprotective. I couldn't remember the last time I strolled down the aisles of a grocery store like this.

I decided to pick up a bit of chocolate too, after I'd calculated that I had more than enough money for my ingredients. I was a sucker for chocolate and I was pretty certain that if I paid Justin's dentist a visit, he'd have lots to say about my teeth.

Would Justin like some? I realised that I was starting to over think.


My shopping cart collided with someone else's.

"I am so sorry." I blushed.

This reminded me of the last time I ran into someone. Justin wasn't here to defend me this time, I realised, and I was happy that I hadn't spilled anything on the man.

"Are you alright?" The man asked.

He had a small smile on his face, his phone in his hand. His blonde hair was out of his face, showing his beautiful features. His gym clothes-- black shorts and vest-- hanging from his body so well.

"Yes. Thanks." I said.

The man smiled.

"Well... this does prove that driving and using a cellphone is actually dangerous." He tried to lift the mood.

I chuckled.

"Better a shopping cart than an actual car." I said.

He smiled.


I smiled politely.

"Nice items you got there." He put his phone in his pocket and backed his cart up a bit.

"Oh. Thanks?"

He probably had the same dentist as Justin because his smile was just so beautiful. What was it with Miami men?

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