Twenty Two.

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I walked into the laundry room with some muffins and tea for Ms Jones and I to share before I left.

She smiled warmly at me and came to hug me for a moment.

I wished she didn't have to let go.

"You're still here." She said as she pulled away.

So she really knew.

"Justin came to talk to me yesterday before I knocked off." She smiled. "He's a sweet young man."

I smiled slightly and handed to her, her cup of tea and some muffins.

"Last meal before I leave?"

She smiled.


We sat down and ate quietly at first but Ms Jones had a lot to say.

"I told you that things would get better." She said. "Are you being open?"

I shrugged.

"He hasn't run off yet so I guess I am being open." I said.

She smiled.

"Don't push him away, dear. Please."

"I don't even know what it would take to push him away so I don't think that'll happen any time soon."

"You shutting him out would push him away."

"I don't want to scare him."

"He wants to come in, Dileah. He's asking to. There's no way he'd get scared."

I frowned.

"I don't know, Ms Jones. This is all really new to me. I'm trying to get used to it all."

"Give it time." She smiled.

"He took me out the other night. Dinner at an Italian restaurant. We ate on the roof top, just us. He said some really sweet things to me and we danced." I blushed.

"Aw that's very romantic."

"Yes. But I don't know what exactly Justin thinks of me."

"What did he say to you that evening?"

"He said that... I was breathtakingly beautiful." I blushed more.

Ms Jones' face lit up and she giggled.

"Whatever you're doing, Dileah, keep doing it."

I giggled.


Ms Jones smiled at me.

"So... Miami." She said.

I nodded.

"Excited? I hear it's a beautiful place. Really warm." She said.

"I'm scared."

"Of leaving everything behind?"

I shrugged.

"I didn't have much, apart from you and work." I said, "I'm just scared of leaving you behind and starting whatever it is I'm starting with Justin. I'm scared he'll get tired of me or tired of taking care of me and he'll drop me. Then what? I'll be stuck in Miami with no one."

"You over think things, Dileah, do you know that?"

I sighed.

"Gosh, this is all too much, Ms Jones. I don't even know what I'm doing."

"Go with the flow. It's good that you're scared. I'd be worried if you weren't."

"It's good?"

"Yes. Fear is good. Sometimes. It's a kick of reality, to show that you're still alive. You're taking a big step and you're scared because you're uncertain. Maybe you'll learn something along the way."

Love Without Tragedy | JB | a.u| BWWM | COMPLETEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin