half blood prince ; 84

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Y/N GROAN AS she woke up. She would be lying if she said she had a good sleep. The couch wasn't a great place to sleep in. She sat up and feel sore.

"I really hate Draco." she mutter to herself.

Teddy suddenly squeak and y/n eyes widen. She stood up immediately, thinking she crush the little pygmy puff. But as she couldn't find anything.

"I kill him." she mutter in disbelieve, looking at the empty couch.

Teddy squeak the second time which made y/n scream because she was surprise. She looked behind and saw Teddy in the coffee table, she breath in relieve.

"Don't ever scare me again." she says to the pygmy puff, lifting him on her arms.

Y/n tip toed to her bedroom to see Draco still fast asleep. Her room was a mess. There were many liquid on the floor. There were many sloppy goo sticking on the wall. Many burn marks on the wall too.

Y/n eyes widen in horror. She knew the boy was making poison, she didn't expect him to trash her bedroom. She was fuming on how he treated her like a minion and acts like it isn't a big deal.

She looked around to see a potion sitting on top of her desk. She assume it was the poison. She made her way there and open up the vial. She took the goo that was sticking on the wall and put it in. To mess up Draco's poison. She put back the poison to where it was.

Y/n breath out and went out of her room. She went to her small kitchen and took a pan with a wooden spoon. She walk back to her room and lift the two up and hit the pan with the wooden spoon harshly, creating a very loud sound.

Draco eyes instantly shot up and he groans.

"Stop!" he yells. Covering his ears.

Y/n let go the pan and throw the wooden spoon towards Draco. It hits his head making him groan in pain.

"What the fuck y/n!" he shouts narrowing his eyes at her.

"What the fuck?" she says in disbelieve, walking towards him.

"What is this!" she yells angrily pointing at the mess he created.

"I was making the poison!" Draco defended.

"So? doesn't mean you can just trash my fucking room." she was fuming, angry at the boy.

"I'll clean it up after class." Draco say dismissively, standing up.

"No you're not, clean it now." y/n said coldly, making Draco abruptly stops to look at her. She had this deadly glare that make people cower in fear, Draco included.

"But we have cla—."

"I don't care." she walk towards the boy.

"If my room is not clean when I get back, you're dead." she says coldly making Draco shudder.

She was in a bad mood for waking up all sore and the boy tested her, of course she was furious.

"But today is important—"

"Then you should think twice before treating someone you 'love' like shit." she says mocking the word 'love'.

"I don't treat you like shit and I do, still love you." Draco defended.

"I really feel the love Malfoy!" she exclaim sarcastically.

"I can't do this anymore!" y/n whine to the two professor in front of her.

"What happen y/n?" Dumbledore asks.

"He treated me like Crabbe and Goyle, mindless goons!" she exclaim.

"Still a brat." Snape shrugged, y/n nodded.

"But you need to keep in mind that this is still a mission." Dumbledore says giving y/n a look, she sigh.

Y/n staying with Draco was a mission and still is. Even with Theo and her pity, if it was for her, she wouldn't do it. But the mission really requires her to stay close with Draco, to keep him from killing Dumbledore, so she had to mess up everything he did.

"I really hate the war." she mutter.

If it wasn't because of the mission, Draco would most likely be alone. He probably would understand that all those year he was a brat and he was wrong. But still having someone else with him, he won't realize it.

"Don't we all?" Snape asks and the other two hummed.

The door again, abruptly open and McGonagall burst in. She looked at the three in horror.

"What is it?" Dumbledore stood up.

"Ronald Weasley is poisoned." McGonagall said in horror.

The three followed her to the hospital wing where Weasley was unconscious on the bed. There is Slughorn standing in front of the bed. Granger is sitting on a chair beside the bed with Harry Potter standing next to her. The three along with McGonagall stood beside Slughorn. Dumbledore started talking while y/n was staring at Ronald Weasley in his unconscious state. He look like he's been through a lot.

"Actually I intended to give it as a gift." Slughorn says about the bottle his holding, which y/n assume the reason Weasley got poison.

"To whom I might ask?" Dumbledore asks Slughorn.

"To you Headmaster." Slughorn says bluntly.


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