vii. the war

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THE MORNING was quite dull, y/n woke up and took a shower then she wore her robes, give Deacon some food and went to the common room, where the boys are. "Morning losers" greet y/n to the two boys.

The three make their way to the Great Hall, where Draco along with his goons is eating there food like dogs, disgusting. Y/n along with Blaise and Theo sat in the middle part of the table, making friends with the year above them.

At the end of Breakfast, the three befriend with the quidditch captain and his side kick, Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey. The five of them share their love of quidditch. Even though y/n, Blaise, and Theo was only eleven, the three of them is very talented in quidditch.

It wasn't common that the social elite women play quidditch, but y/n thougt wrong, women could be anything they wanted. Even though Narcissa was quite against the idea, but by the e/c eye sparkle at a quidditch match, she eventually hired a personal quidditch trainer for y/n and ofcourse Draco.

The hour then run by, the three made their way to their first class, transfiguration. The three made to set of big doors, they went in. The class is already started filling, there's the girl from yesterday, Granny or something, thought y/n.

Y/n sat beside Draco behind Blaise and Theo with Crabbe and Goyle behind them. The professor is the women from yesterday, the one with the black long top hat, Professor Mcgonagall. The professor said some greeting and turned herself into her animagus form, a kitty cat.

The door then burst opened, Potter and Weasley came in. "Phew... would you imagine the look on old Mcgonnall face if she knows we're late" said Weasley with a smile playing on his face.

The 'cat' jumped off the teachers table and turned to Mcgonagall human form. "That was bloody brilliant" said Weasley looking at McGonagall with a wide eye.

Draco snorted, y/n pinch his thigh. Draco playfully glares at her which earn a roll of an eye by y/n. Draco pinch y/n thigh and mouthed 'payback'. Y/n pinch him back, soon, the two of them are in the middle of a pinch fight.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Parkison, I would appreciate it if you stop on whatever you were doing," said McGonagall, the two of them looked at the professor and muttered a "sorry"

The class soon turned back to the lesson. Draco leaned into y/n ears, "it is your fault" said Draco, playfully. Y/n silently dramatic gasp, "I would never"

Draco rolls his eyes but a smile plastered on his face. The two of them turned to their lesson, helping each other throughout the lesson. Little did they know, many boys are watching Draco with jealousy.

The trio, y/n, Blaise, and Theo make their way to their next class, potions. The dungeons were cold, just as cold as the common room. They went into the dark classroom and took a seat in the middle of the classroom.

Soon, the class started to fill up. Draco sat beside y/n, he insisted that he wanted to, not that y/n mind. Theo and Blaise sat at the table beside them, on Draco's side. Potter and Granger sat on the table beside them on the y/n side.

Potter is making heart eyes to y/n, which she ignored. She just doesn't know him, there's no point in loving someone for their looks. Draco noticed that Potter is staring so much that it started to bother y/n, as he wanted to say some remarks, the door opened.

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I do not expect many of you to enjoy the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those selected few" the man with dark hair trailed off looking at a smirking Draco, "who possess the preposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and share the senses. I can tell you the bottle of fame, brew glory and even stopped the death if you aren't as big of a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach" said the crooked nosed man looking at Potter, who's scribbling furiously on his parchment.

"Dunderhead" muttered y/n under her breath which earns a snicker from Draco, "but I think scarhead fit more," said Draco which earns a small smile on y/n's lip.

"shh.. stop being so rude for the poor boy," said y/n, being bipolar as always. "Don't tell me you don't enjoy it" said Draco which earn another eye roll.

"Another eye roll you're eyes are going to be stuck," said Draco, smirking. "At least I won't see your horrid face anymore"

"don't act so highly, my face is so enjoyable," said Draco, y/n shake her head, "how do you know that?"

"have you seen me?" Draco exclaim. "Unfortunately" muttered y/n which earn a pinch in the thigh.

The second pinching war began that day.

"Quidditch practice?" asked y/n looking at Blaise who is eating his salad. "I didn't know you are blind y/n," said Blaise.

"Oh shut it you two," said Theo looking up from his book. "I'm just excited," said y/n.

"don't we all?" asked Blaise smiling, the three is truly a bipolar trio.

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