Chapter 36:- Clemont and Misty

Start from the beginning

Bright white lights broke the darkness around them as the door in front of them opened, revealing a familiar face. 

"Mom?" Dawn breathed, "it is her!" She jumped up and down with giddiness. "Open the door, Ash!"

Ash opened the door only because he was afraid Dawn might strangle him. She hurriedly stepped down and jumped on her mother the first chance she got.

"I missed you!" She exclaimed while stepping down, "I had no idea you would be here!"

"Neither did I," Joanne stroked her daughter's cheeks, "alright now, Ailsa informed me you're here to hunt for them-unowns?"

Ash nodded.

"Brilliant, follow me." She led them inside.

He loathed his new hair color. Blond hair, green eyes, and 'grateful dead' tattoos on his face and arms didn't suit him but according to Joanne, it was very crucial to his underground look.

The underwater control center of the Chamber of Xovier was smaller than the one on the island of Haldfest but still, it was big enough. Ash was the team leader, of course, the title didn't hold any material value but Ash took it very seriously, his mother had told him that his father was also a team leader.

He'd decided to follow the traces of UER from Basil city to where ever it would lead them. His mother had warned him to watch out for the threats and tricky radiations. He fully intended to do so.

"Dawn? You gotta be kidding me!" Gary wailed like a child when Ash told him his plan, "I don't want to be with her! Can't I have Serena?"

"Serena hates you?"

"No, she doesn't? We bonded last night."

Ash's ears shot in, "Last night what?"

Gary leaned against the table, his black hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin made him almost impossible to be identified. "Well, you kicked me because you're uncomfortable with your sexuality—"

"I'm very comfortable with my sexuality!" He argued, "and I kicked you out because it was the middle of the night and it wasn't even that cold!"

Gary shrugged, "It was eighteen degrees! I accidentally knocked on her door and she was very cold too so I slept next to her."

"You what?!"

Gary had a grotesque expression on his face, he patted Ash's back and said, "Not literally you dumb son of a–," he sighed, "come on, she's not my type."

Ash was still confused but he shrugged the unearthly thoughts off his mind. She'll spoon with anymore, he bitterly thought.

"You're not mad are you?" He asked with concern.

Ash shrugged him off, "A little, that's why you're still with Dawn!"

Gary wailed again, "It's very petty of you to pair yourself with—"

Before he could finish, his gaze landed on a certain orange-haired girl who'd just entered the conference room. His eyes immediately traveled to Ash whose mouth was open wider than a Magikarp's.

The first thought which came to Ash's mind was Misty, but Misty was back in Kanto married to his friend Tracy.

Before he had the chance to say something, Gary burst into a guffaw. He banged his hands on the table as tears rolled down his eyes. He was laughing so loud Ash feared he might burst his gut.

Ash covered his face with his hands. He was too ashamed to face the orange-haired Serena.

"What?" She questioned, "what's wrong with my hair?"

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