If you're still here to listen

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So a very good friend of mine just left the wattpad community. If I didnt check her profile I wouldn't have known this, but I check it everyday just to make sure shes doing alright.

She was a person who could always make me laugh and who was always there to listen. Im glad she has the courage to reach out to me over the summer and I'm glad I wasn't a bitch and just ignored her like I do other people.

Lately though our conversation don't happen everyday and the smiles that appear on one anothers faces are very rare sites. I know she reads this so B, if you're reading this now I just want you to know,

You were one of the greatest friends I could ask for. I don't know when we will have an opportunity to talk again but I do hope its soon.
I hope whatever you're going through doesn't break you completely. I'm always here for a chat.
I know you don't really watch Joey anymore, neither do I really, but if you ever do I want you to think about me. Its crazy how a 23 year old man could start one of my greatest friendships.
Thanks for being the best internet friend/older sister to me. Thanks for always being there through ups and downs and pulling amazing pranks on people with me.
And i wont forget that time that i thought someone broke into my house cause I heard banging somewhere and everyone was asleep but me and you thought someone was having sex. (Idk if you remember that but I think about from time to time and lmao)

I love you, stay strong B.

Kisses xC

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