Thoughts before bed

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I guess we can call this talk with couis but idk. this book is my favorite on my account and I feel like less people read it now that the LFI series is fading out.

Im so tired but thoughts are eating at me. I don't feel good and it making them worse for some reason. So I thought I'd write them down, I mean that is why I originally created a book like this anyways.

I'm mad at people and then mad at myself for making them feel guilty (even if they deserve it.). The more life passes by the more I stop caring about everything, the more I want everything to disappear. Im dreading the first day of school and it's not even close yet. I want him to text me and tell me he loves me, something I should've done for him the other day but didn't. I wish this one person understood my point of view. I really want a puppy. (the last one wasn't as deep but a puppy would be nice.)

Also why am I not dating Michael that's a question I ask myself but more often when I'm about to fall asleep. Lmao.

This one time in the third grade this crazy bitch broke her pencil sharpener and cut her lip open on purpose. It was cray. That bitch also stole my pencil and called me ugly. Third grade was nice.

I hate highschool.
I want my licenses so I can drive to him.

Where'd your ability to be a friend go?

I hate when I'm indirecting to someone and then this other bitch was like "was it about me?." Like no conceded bitch. But if you feel guilty about the indirect then it's probably about you.

I'm hungry

Do I really want good girls acoustic played at my funeral? Lol of course I do.

And those are my thoughts before bed.

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