30 facts about me (request)

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Ive done this so many times omfg.

1. I love dogs more than humans

2. Stumble is my favorite Michael fanfic

3. Cats freak me out

4. So do asian people (no offense if you're asian I love you its just I have a traumatizing experience with them like the ones who speak the language and everything)

5. I don't like when people make fun of the way other people talk or laugh, like they honestly cant help it. Im trying to get rid of my southern accent so people will stfu I dont really care it just annoys me.

6. I've got a big butt and people arent afraid to tell me.

7. Everyone rates me a 10 when im a 4

8. Im really hungry and waiting on my dad to get up so he can get me food.

9. I want to go see 5sos or One Direction live again because honestly they put on such a great show and 5sos did better than I honestly expected except they don't really hit their high notes live which is weird.

10. I never watch one direction music videos. I love them but I feel like if I play them more than once they get old and I don't want that to happen so I watch them every once in awhile

9. Same with Joey videos

10. I watch 5sos music videos all the time tho idec

11. I hate when people say that someone likes a famous guy for their looks like stfu. I didnt buy concert tickets/albums to listen to their faces. I dont watch their tv show to look at them or watch a video cause they're hot. You fall in love with a personality or voice and I think the worse thing for a fangirl to realize is that their idol is a different person then they think.

12. I cant wait to move out of my state because honestly there is nothing here and no one ever comes here

13. All My boyfriend have either been, crazy, possessive, fake, or sexist.

14. I just broke up with a guy last night

15. I really hope 9/9 are circumcised.

16. I feel really terrible when I say that.

17. I want to meet Keegan Allen so fucking bad.

18. I love degrassi

19. I've found a sudden intrest in cosmetology and body modification.

20. Being a journalist and interviewing famous people is my dream.

21. My grades suck

22. My school sucks

23. I love Michael Clifford

24. I love Louis Tomlinson

25. I Love them unconditionally

26. I like to read books that are actually good.

27. I love snowcones

28. Pizza its bae.

29. I love winter

30. I want a puppy so bad

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