Just a Poem

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Maybe it's better if I died, I mean it's not like anyone would notice. Not my parents, not my friends. Maybe I should just die because the world is a hell hole full of maniacs, terriost, and murders walking on the city streets waiting to attack an innocent civilian. Maybe I might die because then I wouldn't have to deal with the struggle of being at home and balancing work upon work from an education ill never accomplish and a school that I don't even understand. Maybe if I died people would say "she was so young, still had so much to live for!" Which would honestly make no sense to me at all because I wouldn't accomplish anything if I would've continued on anyways. The only things going through my head are stupid show tunes, elevator music, and mental images of how I picture famous men over 18 that I'll never be with naked. Maybe all these things are the reason I want to die, but they also make me want to stay alive. And I don't know why. These things all add up to one suck ass life in a home in the middle of no where that's broken apart by alcoholics and drug addicts. A school where no one is really your friend, just wants you to think that way. Why would I want to stay here in such a horrid place? Why move on? Maybe it's because that it wouldn't be better if I died because then I wouldn't know where to go.


A/n: sorry for the depression. I'll say something funny now

Lukes dick


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