Elevation//Luke H. Remake//

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Inspired by the trailer for the new movie 'The Loft'


I was a college student at UCLA (shout out to Antone & Niall *inside joke*)

My parents bought me a loft. They were huge so there was only two lofts in the building. My neighbours name was Luke. We go to the same college, he was frat boy.

He was pretty attractive.

But something that bothered me was everynight I heard a different girl moaning his name. Thats how I got to know his name.

This morning on the way to school I ran into Luke in the elevator. He was wearing a snapback and a baseball tee. He changed his lip ring from a hoop to a plain black stud.

He has the bottom loft so I have to past his room to get to and from mine. The elevator door always opens for a moment when we reach his loft. Ive seen him naked on accident on countless occasions.

He entered the elevator with a smirk.

"Hey Blakely."

"Hey Luke..."

"You look sexy today babe you should wear those pants more often."

"Shut up." I growled.

He chuckled.

"Did you and Amanda have fun last night?" I asked him. Amanda was one of my bestfriends and Lukes 'girlfriend.' In all reality Amanda was the only girl stupid enough to go back to Luke every time he called.

"Tons." "Sounded like it. I couldn't sleep."

He crossed his arms.

"Don't pretend you didn't wish it was you Blakely."

I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

Just then the elevator stopped and the lights glitched before the power went out.

"Fucking great, now were gonna be late for class." I said. Luke and I had class together every Wednesday. Neither of us wanted to live on campus, somehow Luke was in a fraternity. Sometimes him and his friends would throw parties at his life. (By sometimes I mean every Friday.)

"Chill princess we'll get out."

"Don't call me that! And unless someone comes and finds us we arent getting out." I sighed.

"Someone will come get us."

"We're the only two that live in this building." I sighed sitting down on the elevator floor.

Luke sat next to me.

"Do you have a cell? I left mine in my room." He said. "Mine broke. I was going to get a new one after class." I sighed.

He sighed too.

After thirty minutes he groaned.

"Im so bored."

"Me too."

He scooted closer to me. "You know there are things we could do to pass time."

I rolled my eyes.

"Im not giving you a blow job Luke."

He laughed.

"No but...." he whispered lifting my chin so that I was looking into his eyes. He was so pretty.

"Ive always loved your eyes." He said leaning in. Our lips met.

Next thing I knew close were scattered across the elevator.

-Two Weeks Later-

I had came down with some kind of stomach flu. Luke and I had fooled around a lot since the elevator. I didn't regret but I didn't accept it. Someone finally came to our rescue after six hours. We had sex about three times during those hours.

The person who saved us was Amanda...

I heard sirens and looked out my window seeing Luke getting arrested.

"What the fuck?" I ran down to the last floor taking the stairs (the elevator was broken of course.)

"Whats going on here?" I asked a cop. "This man found a dead women in his loft. We arresting him for the murder of Amanda Johnson."

My jaw dropped.

"No...No! No! No! He didn't do this! Luke wouldn't do this.!" I screamed. "Calm down ma'am, we aren't for sure if Mr.Hemmings did it we are just going to take him in for questioning."

I nod.

I waited for Luke to come back home. I didn't know when hed come back, but once he did I had to tell

That I was pregnant.


A/n: I enjoy this a lot more than the original writing.

If you havent heard of the move the loft then I suggest you look up the trailer it looks really good and it inspired this idea.

Tell me what you all think (:


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