Sex//Ashton Irwin

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The girls name is pronounced Zaye-de-uh.

Theres only minutes till I drop you off, all we seem to do is talk about sex. Shes got a boyfriend anyways.

"My god. I can't face him Ashton! I just can't." She whispered. "Just go in there and tell him he is a sack of dick." She laughed. He chuckled a little him self.

"Ash, I'm serious. Yesterday I caught him cheating on me... I don't want to talk about it or even bring it up with him. I just want to kiss and make up." She said more to herself then to Ashton. Ashton didnt understand why Zaidia, a girl hes been head over heels for since high school, was with some shitty guy like Derek.

"Zaidia, how many times has Derek cheated on you?" He asked. "Three." She swallowed a lump in her throat.

"And all three times you went back and jumped into bed with him. The same bed he screwed those three girls on. You can't keep letting him hurt you Zaidia." He told her.

She crossed her arms and looked out the window at the house her and Derek shared.

"You could be with me and everything could be alright." Ashton whsipered. Zaidia glared at Ashton.

"Ashton I love you, but being with doesn't change a thing. You use me for sex all the time! I come crying to you and all you seem to do is talk about sex!" She exclaimed. Ashton sighed. She was right. But with a girl as beautiful as Zaidia all he could think about was how he could get her close off.

"Im not going to he your fuck and Chuck Ashton. Different dick but its still the same doche bag." She said before getting out of his car and slamming the door quite harshly.

Ashton watched Zaidia as she walked to the front door and he sat there for a moment. He watched as Derek took Zaidia in his arms and brought her inside. Derek slammed his lips against hers and thats the last thing Ashton saw before the door closed.

He loved Zaidia. He loved her a lot. He slammed his fist on the dashboard because he knew that Zaidia was right. If her and Ashton did get together,

He'd just treat her like a sex session.


A/N: so im planning to have a story for each 5sos boy (I already have Bloodstream for Michael and Lovely this may for Calum) so this is Ashtons. Tell me what you all think.^-^


xCouisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora