Miserable At Best (5)

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I would love Esme till the day I died, and I believed that. Going into work everyday and hearing a band mate talking about how great sex with her is wasn't my cup of tea.
Liam loved to brag, and now newly single loved to gloat about all the girls he could pull.

But I already knew how great sex with Esme was, Ive done it myself a million times. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't do it again.

That song that played in the club that night I was trying to find it. I would ask the boys to do a cover of it and maybe she'll see it somewhere and know its a secret message to her. But I couldn't find it. I tried looking up the lyrics I remembered but nothing. It had to be an old song cause I haven't heard it anywhere. Just at that club while she was dancing with him.

I sighed walking out of the arena after sound check. We were only in town one more night so I had to visit that club. I had to find the DJ and explain my situation.

When I walked in it was slightly empty. Just a few drunks at the bar waiting for five o'clock to roll around. I walked to the back where the DJ was sitting at his table. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Oh my god you're-"
"Louis from one direction, I know. Look I was wondering if you could help me?" I asked slightly hopeful.
"Of course, what with?"

I explained what the song meant to me and sang a few of ths lyrics to him. He named the song off right away. One of his favorites.

Miserable at Best by Mayday Parade. (I do not own any audio)

It all made sense right there. Even the title explained Esme and I perfectly. I told the DJ he was amazing and I'd love to work with him and check out his tracks whenever I was free and in town next. But right now I had to go and run this idea past the boys.


"Louis you're crazy! We can't learn this in two hours!" Harry yelled.
"C'mon you learned steal my girl in three! Please?" I asked of them.
"Why does this mean so much to ya?" Niall asked.
"Look I just love the song and there is a message I need to get out there. Just please help me?"

The three of them sighed but agreed. I printed out the lyrics and wrote their names bu each part I chose for them to sing. I would be singing most of it.

I knew Esme was in the crowd tonight and I had never been so nervous for a show in my life.

We played some of our originals and shot some jokes at one another as per usual.

Then Liam announced that I wanted all of us to sing a new song.

I took a deep breath in as the music started playing.

'Esme don't cry I know, you're trying your hardest, and the hardest part is letting go of the nights we shared.'

I heard a gasp from the audience, gasps from the boys and band. But the only gasps that mattered were hers. Her jaw was opened tears streaming down ber face. I continued singing.

The boys sang their parts to now understanding without fully knowing the story. Even Liam felt sympathetic.

After the show I located Esme who was still crying.

"Louis what were you thinking?" She asked. "I was thinking about how deeply In love with you I am Esme. I can't just let you go like that. You're beautiful, amazing, smart, witty, funny, and killer in bed."
She smiled through tears at the last part.
"I don't want Louis and Esme to be a one night every month thing, I want us to be a forever everyday thing."
I got down on one knee and pulled a velvet box out of my back pocket.

"Marry me?" I asked.
She looked a little hesitant at first then started nodding. I srung up and put the ring on her finger. She pulled me into her arms and cried.

"I love you so much Esme." I kissed her.
"I love you more." She wiped the now happy tears away.

We heard claps from behind us and turned to see the boys.

"Are you all okay with this?" Esme asked looking more twoards Liam.

Harry and Niall nodded. Liam smiled and said; "the two of you are obviously in love, I couldn't be happier. I just call being best man."

I smiled.

"Liam mate, you got yourself a deal."

Without you I'd be miserable at best~

The end.....?

xCouisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora