
270 11 5

Im so very sexualy frustrated.

Thanks Michael Clifford.

Q: You think im an idiot

A: yes and you think in perverted bitch and thats why we're best friends xD

Q: do you like daddy kinks and Michaels ninja turtle dick

A: yes Kat I do.

Q: put the 5sos boys in order

A: wut thats sad bro no. Mikey and Luke are baes but I love everyone equally and would fuck each of em 10 ways to sunday

Q: whats your name?

A; uhm Couis. Duh

Q: Luke naked or Louis Shirtless

A: I always get asked this but with dif boys.

Q: Favorite part of your concert?

A: that everytime I looked at Louis my heart melted and I cried and im so in love with every boy.

Ask more questions I have more answers


xCouisDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora