q&a #21

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The guy im in love with is in a fucked up situation and Michael is hanging out with Taylor Swift *sigh* life rn

Q: how do you feel about the boys telling a girls "call me daddy."
A:omfg xD well I don't really care but like I don't think 9/9 have that kink because Liam didn't even know what it was soooooo probably 4/9 I think xD

Q: Favorite article of Clothing you own
A: my 5sos shirt I got at my concert and I wish I would've got a one direction one aswell but the 5sos ones were cheaper and they just got off stage so I was 5sos af soo and I also love my striped pants but the button broke so I had to throw them out and im sad.

Q: what do hate?
A: I hate when I do my own thing and other people do it to like for example I wear weird/ striped pants. Weird/Striped pants are my legit life and they bring me joy and I like it when its my thing then when someone copies it it legit makes me so pissed off because Ik they're doing it cause I did it and omfg just please stop. Like I didn't start wearing pants like that because someone else did it I just wanted to do it. Be yourself guys not a copy of someone else

Q: this is more of advise. Okay so I'm 14 and have never kissed a boy and my boyfriend asked if we could kiss at school on Monday and Im nervous. A: okay so just dont tell him you've never kissed anyone. Tell him you've kissed a bunch of guys. Tell him you kissed Ashton Irwin at a party while you were drunk and he'll think you're hella cool. Ive only kissed 2 and made out with 1/2 of those boys and im 15 so don't worry. Rather you've kissed a boy or not I think you're rad.

Q: who was your boyfriend?
A: theres a spider on the floor and I just shit myself cause I thought it was a mouse and I hate mice fuck.

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