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Around this time 2013 I found six (I think seven at the time cause Ricardo but I have no fucking clue) Boys that make me laugh and cry and hurt all at the same time. I subbed to them and became obsessed but didn't really start watching them until February 2014 One of my close friends was obsessed with the boys and got me to watch them. I remembered being subbed to them and this is when I really developed a love for O2L. I stayed up all night watching their videos one night when I was sad and they made me 10 times happier. They're funny, cute, and relate to so many of us. When Connor left O2L that following summer I remember watching his last video at the park with my friends and then going home later and crying for awhile. I still to this day try my best to watch ALL of Connor Frantas videos. Hes bae.
I find myself today downloading their music, watching every video, and support everything they do! These boys aren't just any YouTubers, they are special. Theres just something about them.

I just watched their video announcing that they are going down their own paths. Im sitting here bawling as I type.

I want to think Connor, Kian, Jc, Sam, Ricky, & Trevor for putting out possibly the best content on YouTube. And thanks for making YouTube a better community and I will continue to support each and every one of you in whatever you pursue!

This isn't goodbye, its just a new hello.


What are your thoughts on all this? Leave feedback.

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