Stiles Stilinski aka the babysitter aka spider-man

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Everyone was busy with something this Halloween, Jackson's parents were throwing some big party for the adults, Lydia was throwing a party for the teens, his dad didn't have the night off since well it was Halloween and someone was always doing something they shouldn't.

And the rest of the pack were all being couply and in love. But that left the younger kids of Beacon Hills with little to do.

So of course his father, his wonderful and amazing father, volunteered him to be a babysitter for most of the younger kids.

It's not that he was upset about having to babysit a bunch of kids on Halloween. No he was upset because no one asked if he wanted to hang out or something. But it didn't matter, everyone else was happy and the kids were miserable because half the adults were at a part, a quarter working, and the rest with their own kids.

First he just needed to figure out what he should be. Stiles was a closeted cosplayer and he had many different things he could wear. With a frown he decided on his Spider-Man costume.

Next year he'd be Batman or one of the Robins.

Stiles ran down the stairs with a laugh, he grabbed his bag and keys before jumping into the Jeep. He found a small group of kids waiting for him, all dressed up in their costumes, their parents seemed anxious to leave either for another shift at work or the big party.

"Hey! All of you sent me an email or text about allergies and such? Good! Well parents you are set free for tonight!" Even after saying that several worried parents stayed back to talk to him, once all of them had left he turned towards the kids.

"Yeah I know not the best Halloween for Beacon Hills is it? But I'm sure we can do something that'll be fun. Alright munchkins let's go rob all the candy from the houses that remembered to set some out." Stiles, after forcing everyone to hold hands, lead the kids to some houses that he knew had candy.

"Mr. Stiles? Can't we just leave and go somewhere with actual candy? The next town over ain't far!" Stiles looked down at the girl next to him with a grin, not that she could see it. "Ah ah ah. I'm Spider-Man tonight my fairy Queen. And we can't because then who's going to protect the town with everyone distracted! We have to make sure that no evil villains are making trouble." Stiles let the kids finish trick or treating before walked them back over towards his car.

"Alright who what's to watch as many movies as possible and eat as much junk food and drink as much soda as you want? And if you want something else to eat or drink we'll get something else as well." All of the kids cheered.

"Alright here's the deal, all of us can go but you all have to listen to me. And some of you might have to squish together. Off to neverland you gremlins!" Stiles did a small cartwheel to his car earning high pitched giggles from the kids.

"Pick two snacks each and one drink! Go go go! Go you tiny sticky fingers!"

About three to five hours later four kids we're passed out with pieces of candy stuck to them, two other kids were fighting sleep, and Stiles was very much awake and alert as the movie played the ending credits.

Getting up he started to clean the mess and the kids before getting blankets and covering them. Not all of the parents were back yet and he couldn't bring himself to take off his costume.

"Mr. Stiles-Spider-Man sir? Why isn't mommy back yet?" Stiles looked over as the other kids started to wake up. Tilting his head he looked at the little boy beside him.

"Ah- well mommy probably got caught up with something but I'm sure she'll be here soon! Now how about we all get to be-"

A sharp scream pierced through the air from outside. The children stared at the door with wide as and went behind Stiles.

"I- alright everyone stay behind me. I'm Spider-Man remember?" Still he felt anxious as he walked towards the door and opened it. Grabbing his bat he opened the door and saw a figure lunge for him.

He swung the bat and the figure flinched back slightly so he kicked it in the stomach.

"What the fuck Stilinski!? Ever heard of a Halloween scare?" Stiles blinked as several flashlights were turned on.

The pack stood in front of him snickering at Erica or giving Stiles amused looks. Except for Derek who was blushing?

"Hey! Watch it in front of the kids! You knew I was watching some kids tonight!"

Stiles watched as the pack exchanged confused looks. "You mean not all of them have been picked up yet? It's like two in the morning Stiles!"

Snorting he rolled his eyes, "Yeah well until they do come I'm on duty so shoo," turning around he gave the kids a small wave, "it's alright just some friends of mine. Go back to sleep you tiny demonic candy monsters."

Right as he said that two cars pulled up. "I am so sorry sweetheart! We al just got busy and lost track of time! I'll be taking home August and my own little vampire home."

A man, Mr. Ricket, walked up to Stiles with a grin, "Love the costume kid! C'mon you three Mommy's in the car and wants to see her three trouble makers!"

Turning around he saw the little boy who had asked for his mother earlier, "C'mon you can be my sidekick until your mom comes."

"Spider-Man has a sidekick?"

"Well he does now since I can only have the best of the best! Go wash up and maybe your mom will be here by then!" Stiles watched as the kid ran up the stares to wash his face off from the candy.

Turning around he found the pack looking at him weirdly, "Take a picture it'll last longer, or do you want me to pose?"

Scott snorted and shook his head. "I forget how good you are with kids. Uh who's his mom? Maybe my Mom knows her? Or if something happened to her?"

Ignoring the others Stiles told Scott the name of the mother. After about five more minutes a car pulled up, "I am so sorry! I just- my other son got sick and I completely forgot about that Jason wasn't spending the night with a friend!"

"It's fine I'll go get him."

Once they left Stiles flopped down on the couch and made a hand motion for the pack to come inside. "Knock yourselves out with whatever is left I'm taking a well deserved nap. As they say, with great responsibility comes the great power of needed a freaking nap and a soda."

Stiles fell asleep with the pack surrounding him along with candy wrappers and a mess of popcorn.

Happy Halloween! I hope this isn't too late because it's still Halloween for me. Anyways I hope this was enjoyable I just sorta lost the Halloween spirit due to some personal family things but I hope this is good!

One shots of Stiles Stilinski BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now