Stiles is kidnapped

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So I saw a post on tumblr about kidnapping au's and I just I had to write it down. So I mean hey let's get in as much as possible before Tuesday and the weird Monday of aww hell I got school tomorrow! So I have one day to write whatever comes to mind let's get it people!

Stiles glared at the witch in annoyance. "Look lady ain't no one coming for me. Everyone's always busy and they've been forgetting me a lot. They wont notice for a few days."

The black haired witch frowned at him slightly. "Well while that may be true they will come. You're their little defenseless human. Part of the pack-"

Stiles scoffed and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Yeaaah no. I'm not part of the pack. I mean I wish I was because I think of them as family but they don't really care about me. Honestly this is pointless. Look you said you need them before the full moon. The full moon is in two days. They won't be there before then."

The witch turned around and growled at him. The wind picked up, plants grew at her feet with dark spikes coming out of them, her eyes glowed purple. "They. Will. Come. Now cheer up darling! Your close with them aren't you? The smart one. The one who actually makes good plans and knows what their doing even if you are human."

She lent over him her hair flowing over her shoulders and into his face. She grinned with sharp teeth and red lips. "Can I at least sit down then? It's not exactly comfortable staying on my knees while tied to a treeeeeEEK!"

Stiles let out a slight shriek as the woman waved her hand and he saw purple mist surround him and then found himself sitting down.

"You know a little warning wouldn't have been that hard to give. Just a little warning. How- how did you do that?" Stiles squinted his eyes while the witch gave him a curious look.

"I did sense some magic in you. But it's almost as if it's blocked out. As for your question well it took me many many ruthless years to get to t power I have today." Stiles looked at her with wide eyes before groaning.

"Oh yeah. I just got kidnapped by some witch that's super powerful and probably got her power from torturing people. That's not worrisome. Nope. This is a great situation. This is why I need to hang out with my other friends who aren't part of supernatural shit because they'd know if I was kidnapped." Stiles heard the witch hum softly before feeling her sit down next to him.

"I did not get my strength from torturing people. Mostly. I practiced. You truly don't think your flea bags will come for you? And yet you help them? Why?" Stiles looked over at the witch who was making the spikes plants grown at her feet once more.

"I love them. You can love people even when they stop or don't love you. I've always loved my mom and when she was sick she'd- she would change and she wouldn't love me. But I still loved her. Why am I telling you this? Great I just told you some emotional shit and your going to kill me with pity in your eyes later or if they somehow do end up coming your gonna tell them." The witch chuckled softly and shook her head.

"Ah do not worry. I won't kill you boy. I've began to like you. But even those with the biggest hearts feel pain and they cannot be what everyone expects of them forever." Stiles ignored the turning in his stomach and glared at his feet.

It didn't matter how much everyone didn't care. It didn't matter if he was never out first. It didn't matter how much it hurt when his dad wouldn't look him in the eye anymore. It didn't matter how much Stiles aches when Scott would choose someone else instead of him. It didn't matter how much Stiles forced himself to not cry when Melissa hinted at the fact that she thought Stiles was to blame for all the changes in Scott.

It didn't matter. Not when Stiles was willing to let the world burn for everyone he cared for. Not when he's perfectly fine with getting kidnapped and tortured for them. Not when he'd do everything he can to make sure he dies before them.

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